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499 EUR per employee per month

Discover everything you need to know about Romania

Hire in Romania at a glance

Here ares some key facts regarding hiring in Romania

Romanian New Lei
GDP growth
GDP world share
Payroll frequency
Working hours
40 hours/week

Overview in Romania

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Romania, located in Southeastern Europe, boasts a diverse landscape including the Carpathian Mountains, the Transylvanian Basin, and the Black Sea coast. It shares borders with Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Hungary. Historically, it was part of the Roman Empire and later influenced by various tribes and empires, achieving independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1878 and forming the modern nation in 1859 through the unification of Wallachia and Moldavia. Romania endured a communist regime post-WWII, transitioning to democracy after the 1989 revolution and joining NATO in 2004 and the EU in 2007.

The country has a population of about 19 million, with a significant number of Hungarian and Roma minorities. Post-communism, Romania shifted from a centrally planned economy to a market-driven one, with key sectors including services, industry, and agriculture. Despite being an EU member, Romania faces challenges like income inequality and rural poverty.

Romania emphasizes education, with a high literacy rate and increasing tertiary education levels. The workforce is noted for its technical and scientific skills, and English proficiency is common among the younger, urban population. The economy has seen a shift from agriculture to services, with IT and manufacturing as significant sectors. Flexible work arrangements and a focus on work-life balance are becoming more prevalent, especially in multinational companies and urban centers.

Communication in Romania tends to be direct, with a preference for establishing personal connections in business settings. Traditional workplaces may have hierarchical structures, but there is a shift towards flatter, more collaborative environments in modern sectors. The services sector dominates the economy, contributing significantly to GDP and employment, with IT and technology identified as areas with high growth potential.

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Employer of Record in Romania

Rivermate is a global Employer of Record company that helps you hire employees in Romania without the need to set up a legal entity. We act as the Employer of Record for your employees in Romania, taking care of all the legal and compliance aspects of employment, so you can focus on growing your business.

How does it work?

When you hire employees in Romania through Rivermate, we become the legal employer of your staff. This means that we take on all the responsibilities of an employer, while you retain the day-to-day management of your employees.

You as the company maintain the direct relationship with the employee, you allocate them the work and manage their performance. Rivermate takes care of the local payrolling of the employee, the contracts, HR, benefits, and compliance.

Responsibilities of an Employer of Record

As an Employer of Record in Romania, Rivermate is responsible for:

  • Creating and managing the employment contracts
  • Running the monthly payroll
  • Providing local and global benefits
  • Ensuring 100% local compliance
  • Providing local HR support

Responsibilities of the company that hires the employee

As the company that hires the employee through the Employer of Record, you are responsible for:

  • Day-to-day management of the employee
  • Work assignments
  • Performance management
  • Training and development

Taxes in Romania

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In Romania, employers have several tax obligations including withholding a flat income tax rate of 10% from employees' salaries and paying it to the tax authorities by the 25th of the following month. Employers also handle social security contributions, which include pension, health insurance, unemployment, and work accident insurance, with varying rates based on the gross salary and risk classification of the business.

Employers must use Form D112 for reporting and paying these taxes and contributions. Additionally, they provide personal deductions and may apply additional deductions for voluntary pension and private health insurance, subject to annual limits.

Romania's standard VAT rate is 19%, with reduced rates for specific categories and exemptions for certain services. VAT-registered businesses must file periodic returns and make payments by set deadlines.

The country offers various tax incentives to stimulate economic growth, including a 0% profit tax rate on reinvested profits, R&D incentives, and benefits for greenfield investments and job creation. These incentives have specific eligibility criteria and application processes, and it's advisable to consult official sources or tax professionals for the most accurate and current information.

Leave in Romania

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In Romania, the Labor Code ensures a minimum of 20 working days of paid vacation annually, with additional days for certain employees like those in hazardous conditions, disabled workers, and young employees under 18. Unused vacation can be carried over for up to 18 months, and employers must pay for vacation leave at least five days before it starts. Upon termination, employees are compensated for unused vacation days.

Romania also observes national and religious holidays, including New Year's Day, Unification Day, Labor Day, National Day, Christmas, Orthodox Easter, Pentecost, and the Assumption of Mary. Other significant days like Children's Day, Navy Day, and Saint Andrew's Day are also celebrated.

Various types of paid and unpaid leave are available, such as sick leave, maternity and paternity leave, marriage and bereavement leave, parental leave, and leave for urgent family reasons or education. Special provisions include paid leave for blood donation and quarantine situations. Employers may offer additional benefits through employment contracts or collective agreements.

Benefits in Romania

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In Romania, employers are required to provide a range of mandatory benefits, including contributions to social security, which supports employees during retirement, unemployment, sickness, and disability. Key components include:

  • Social Security Contributions: Employees contribute 25% of their gross salary to the public pension system, and 3.75% to private pension funds. Employers contribute varying rates depending on work conditions.
  • Paid Time Off: Employees are entitled to a minimum of 20 vacation days, up to 180 days of sick leave (with varying compensation levels), 180 days of maternity leave at full pay, 10 days of paternity leave at full pay, and additional parental leave.
  • Other Mandatory Benefits: These include a government-mandated minimum wage, overtime pay, and severance pay under certain conditions.

Additionally, many employers offer optional benefits to enhance employee satisfaction and competitiveness in the job market, such as:

  • Financial and Retirement Benefits: Supplementary pension contributions, life, and disability insurance.
  • Health and Wellness Benefits: Private health insurance, wellness programs.
  • Work-Life Balance Benefits: Flexible working arrangements, additional paid time off.
  • Other Perks: Meal vouchers, company cars, mobile phones, professional development opportunities.

Healthcare in Romania is supported by mandatory health insurance contributions from both employers and employees, financing the National Health Insurance Fund which provides basic medical services. Optional private health insurance is also commonly offered by employers for broader coverage.

Romania's retirement system is a multi-pillar structure with mandatory public and private pension plans supplemented by optional savings options, aiming to provide comprehensive income security for retirees.

Workers Rights in Romania

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  • Employment Termination in Romania: Termination must be based on valid reasons, either related to the employee (e.g., disciplinary issues, professional inadequacy) or external factors (e.g., economic changes leading to redundancy). The standard notice period is 20 working days, with exceptions for probationary periods and severe disciplinary violations.

  • Severance Pay: Eligibility and amounts depend on the dismissal reason, length of service, and collective agreements. Typically applicable in restructuring or redundancy situations, but not for disciplinary dismissals.

  • Anti-Discrimination Laws: Extensive protections against discrimination based on various characteristics like race, sex, age, etc. Mechanisms for redress include the National Council for Combating Discrimination and legal avenues through civil or criminal courts.

  • Employer Responsibilities: Must prevent and address workplace discrimination and harassment, provide training on anti-discrimination laws, and ensure reasonable accommodations for disabled employees.

  • Working Conditions: The Romanian Labour Code mandates a 40-hour workweek, with a maximum of 48 hours including overtime. Special regulations apply for young workers under 18. Employers must provide rest breaks and a minimum of 20 paid annual leave days.

  • Health and Safety Regulations: Law No. 319/2006 outlines employer obligations for a safe work environment, including risk assessments, providing safe equipment, and ensuring proper workplace design. Employees have rights to a safe environment, necessary information and training, and participation in health and safety measures.

  • Enforcement: The Ministry of Labour and the Inspectorate of Labour enforce health and safety regulations, with the Ministry of Health also involved in legislative aspects.

Agreements in Romania

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Romania offers various types of employment agreements to cater to different employment needs, including Indefinite Term Contracts, Fixed-Term Contracts, and Part-Time Contracts. Each type has specific characteristics:

  • Indefinite Term Contracts are the standard form, providing job security without a predefined end date.
  • Fixed-Term Contracts are suitable for temporary roles, with a maximum renewal limit of three times and a total duration not exceeding 36 months.
  • Part-Time Contracts allow for reduced work schedules with rights and benefits proportional to those of full-time employees.

Additionally, both indefinite and fixed-term contracts may include a trial period to assess employee suitability, with durations varying by job type.

Key elements of employment agreements in Romania include:

  • Parties to the Agreement: Identification of employer and employee.
  • Job Details: Position, workplace, and job description.
  • Contract Duration: Specification of indefinite or fixed-term, with details for the latter.
  • Remuneration and Benefits: Details on salary, payment frequency, and additional benefits.
  • Work Schedule: Clarification on full-time or part-time status and specific working hours.
  • Leave and Vacation: Information on annual paid leave entitlement.
  • Termination Clauses: Notice periods required for contract termination.

Romanian labor law also allows for optional clauses like confidentiality and non-compete agreements, which have specific legal requirements and limitations. Probationary periods are common, with one-time use and varying durations based on the contract type and job category. During probation, employees retain all standard rights and obligations, and termination can occur with written notice. Non-compete clauses post-employment must be reasonable in scope and duration, with mandatory compensation for the employee.

Remote Work in Romania

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Remote work, or telework, is gaining traction in Romania, guided by Law No. 81/2018 which aligns with the European Framework Agreement on Telework (2002). This law ensures that telework arrangements are formalized in writing, mutually agreed upon, and that teleworkers have the same rights as office-based employees. Technological infrastructure is crucial, requiring reliable communication tools, robust cybersecurity measures, and appropriate equipment. Employers are responsible for providing training, managing performance, and supporting work-life balance.

Additionally, Romania offers other flexible work options like part-time work, flexitime, and job sharing, each with specific regulations regarding work hours and employee benefits. Employers are not mandated to provide equipment or reimburse expenses for these arrangements, though some do offer support for home office setups.

Data protection is a critical aspect, with employers needing to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They must ensure minimal data collection, secure data handling, and provide transparency to employees regarding data usage. Employees have rights to access, rectify, or erase their data, and must be informed of data breaches promptly.

Best practices for data security include maintaining separate work and personal devices, enforcing strong password policies, and regular training on data protection for employees. These measures help safeguard sensitive information and ensure compliance with legal standards.

Working Hours in Romania

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  • Working Hours and Overtime in Romania:

    • The standard workweek in Romania is 40 hours, typically spread over five days with 8 hours each day.
    • The legal maximum working time is 48 hours per week, but this can be averaged over a four-month period.
    • Overtime requires employee consent, except in emergencies, and is limited to 8 extra hours per week.
    • Overtime compensation includes either paid time off or an additional pay of at least 75% of the base salary.
  • Youth Employment:

    • Employees under 18 years old are limited to a 30-hour workweek and are not allowed to perform night work.
  • Rest Periods and Breaks:

    • Employees are entitled to a meal break for workdays longer than six hours, and a minimum of 12 consecutive hours of rest between workdays.
    • The weekly rest period must be at least 48 consecutive hours, typically during the weekend.
  • Night and Weekend Work:

    • Night workers, who work significant hours between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM, should not exceed an average of 8 hours per day over a three-month period.
    • Night shifts warrant either a shortened shift or a minimum 25% pay increase.
    • Alternative rest days should be provided if weekend rest is not possible, with appropriate compensation.
  • Legal Protections:

    • Romanian labor law prohibits the inclusion of overtime compensation within the base salary and ensures that employees cannot waive their rights to maximum working hours.
    • Specific regulations protect the well-being of employees, ensuring adequate rest and fair compensation.

Salary in Romania

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Understanding competitive salaries in Romania is essential for attracting and retaining skilled employees. Factors influencing these salaries include industry, experience, education, location, and company size. For instance, higher salaries are common in IT, finance, and pharmaceuticals, especially in urban areas like Bucharest and within larger multinational companies.

To determine competitive salaries, resources such as salary surveys, recruitment agencies, and government statistics from the National Institute of Statistics are useful. Romania also has specific minimum wage levels, with the general minimum wage at RON 3,300 and a higher rate for construction workers at RON 4,582 as of October 1, 2023.

Employers must adhere to legal payment requirements, including paying in Romanian Lei and ensuring monthly payments. Romanian law mandates certain benefits such as social security contributions and paid time off, while many companies also offer additional perks like performance bonuses, meal vouchers, and health insurance to enhance compensation packages.

Overall, staying informed about salary trends and legal requirements is crucial for maintaining compliance and competitiveness in the Romanian job market.

Termination in Romania

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The Romanian Labour Code outlines specific notice periods for terminating employment contracts, which vary depending on whether the termination is initiated by the employer or the employee. Employers must provide a minimum notice of 20 working days, while employees must give 20 working days for standard positions and 45 for management roles. Notice periods are calculated in working days, excluding weekends and public holidays, and must be provided in written form. Special rules apply for dismissals due to serious misconduct, during probation, or in cases of collective redundancies.

Severance pay is not universally mandated but may be applicable in cases like company restructuring, medical incapacity, or retirement, typically outlined in collective bargaining agreements or individual contracts. Termination can also be mutually agreed upon without a notice period. Employers need valid grounds and a written notice for termination, while employees must submit a written resignation. Special protections exist for certain categories of employees, such as pregnant women and trade union members.

Freelancing in Romania

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In Romania, distinguishing between employees and independent contractors is essential due to differences in employment rights, social contributions, and tax implications. The Romanian Labour Code governs employment relationships, while the Fiscal Code defines "independent activity" for tax purposes.

Key Distinguishing Factors:

  • Control and Integration: Employees are under employer control, while independent contractors have more autonomy.
  • Dependence: Employees usually depend on one employer for income, unlike contractors who may have multiple clients.
  • Benefits and Social Contributions: Employees enjoy benefits and shared social security contributions, which contractors handle independently.
  • Type of Work: Certain professions are more likely to be classified under one category than the other.

Independent Activity Criteria: The Fiscal Code lists seven criteria for independent activity, including the use of own assets, freedom in work organization, business risk assumption, and working for multiple clients. Meeting at least four criteria supports contractor status.

Re-characterization Risk: Romanian courts can reclassify contractor relationships as employment if they resemble de facto employment, leading to potential liabilities like backdated contributions.

Contract Structures and Negotiation Practices: Contracts for contractors are not standardized but should clearly define work scope, compensation, termination clauses, and confidentiality. Effective negotiation involves understanding market rates, making strong offers, and being flexible yet firm.

Common Industries for Independent Contracting: Opportunities are prevalent in IT, creative industries, marketing, and consulting. Protecting intellectual property (IP) rights is crucial, with ownership depending on agreements between the freelancer and client. Freelancers typically retain copyright unless work is considered "made for hire."

Tax Obligations and Insurance Options: Freelancers must handle their tax declarations, social contributions, and possibly VAT registration. While insurance isn't mandatory, liability, professional indemnity, and health insurance are advisable.

Navigating these aspects requires understanding the legal framework, maintaining accurate records, and possibly consulting legal and financial professionals to ensure compliance and protection in Romania's freelance market.

Health & Safety in Romania

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Romanian health and safety laws, primarily governed by Law No. 319 of July 14, 2006, align with the EU's Occupational Safety and Health Framework Directive, emphasizing risk prevention, worker protection, and training. Employers are responsible for hazard identification, risk assessment, and implementing preventive measures, including providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and ensuring safety training and emergency preparedness. Workers have rights to safe conditions and can refuse unsafe work, alongside duties to comply with safety protocols.

Specific regulations address various workplace hazards, and the Labour Inspectorate enforces these laws through inspections, which can lead to improvement notices, fines, or criminal charges in severe cases. Employers must also manage health surveillance and accident reporting, with a system in place for recognizing and compensating occupational diseases. The Romanian health and safety framework is supported by institutions like INSEMEX and INCDPM, which aid in compliance and policy development.

Dispute Resolution in Romania

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Labor courts in Romania are specialized within the national court system, handling disputes related to employment contracts, labor agreements, and work-related incidents. The judicial process includes filing a claim, conciliation, trial, and decision, covering cases like unfair dismissal and discrimination. Arbitration serves as a voluntary alternative, involving a private arbitrator for resolving disputes, typically used for complex cases requiring confidentiality.

Romania also conducts various compliance audits and inspections to ensure adherence to legal and regulatory standards, covering financial, tax, labor, environmental, and industry-specific areas. These audits are crucial for maintaining rule of law, protecting public interest, and enhancing business reputation.

Additionally, Romania provides mechanisms for reporting legal violations through internal channels, government authorities, and NGOs, with specific protections for whistleblowers against retaliation.

Romania adheres to international labor standards by ratifying all eight core ILO conventions, integrating these standards into domestic laws like the Romanian Labour Code, which ensures fundamental labor rights and compliance with international agreements. Despite these efforts, challenges in enforcement and discrimination persist.

Cultural Considerations in Romania

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In Romanian workplaces, effective communication is shaped by a balance of directness and formality, with a strong emphasis on non-verbal cues and cultural considerations. Communication is direct yet polite, using indirect wording to soften messages. Formality is observed especially in addressing superiors, using titles and formal language. Non-verbal communication, such as eye contact and hand gestures, plays a crucial role, with meanings that can vary significantly from other cultures.

Romanian business culture values hierarchy and group harmony, influencing negotiation and decision-making processes. Negotiations are seen as collaborative yet competitive, aiming for mutually beneficial outcomes while avoiding direct conflict. Decisions are typically made at higher levels of hierarchy with limited lower-level input, reflecting a high Power Distance Index score.

Understanding these communication nuances and cultural contexts is vital for conducting business effectively in Romania. Tips for success include being patient, preparing well for meetings, respecting formalities, and being mindful of non-verbal cues. Additionally, recognizing the importance of statutory holidays and regional observances can help in planning and conducting business activities in line with local customs.

Frequently Asked Questions for Employer of Record services in Romania

Who handles the filing and payment of employees' taxes and social insurance contributions when using an Employer of Record in Romania?

When using an Employer of Record (EOR) in Romania, the EOR handles the filing and payment of employees' taxes and social insurance contributions. This includes the calculation, withholding, and remittance of income tax, social security contributions, health insurance, and other mandatory contributions to the relevant Romanian authorities. The EOR ensures compliance with local tax laws and regulations, thereby relieving the client company of the administrative burden and complexities associated with payroll and tax compliance in Romania. This allows the client company to focus on its core business activities while ensuring that all legal obligations related to employment are met.

Is it possible to hire independent contractors in Romania?

Yes, it is possible to hire independent contractors in Romania. However, there are several important considerations and legal requirements to keep in mind:

  1. Legal Framework: Independent contractors in Romania are governed by the Romanian Civil Code, rather than the Labor Code, which applies to employees. This distinction is crucial as it affects the nature of the contractual relationship, tax obligations, and social security contributions.

  2. Contractual Agreement: When hiring an independent contractor, it is essential to have a well-drafted contract that clearly outlines the scope of work, payment terms, duration, and other relevant conditions. This contract should explicitly state that the individual is an independent contractor and not an employee to avoid any misclassification issues.

  3. Taxation: Independent contractors in Romania are responsible for their own tax filings. They must register with the Romanian tax authorities and pay income tax, which is generally a flat rate of 10%. Additionally, they are required to pay social security contributions, which include health insurance and pension contributions.

  4. Misclassification Risks: One of the significant risks of hiring independent contractors is the potential for misclassification. Romanian authorities may reclassify an independent contractor as an employee if the nature of the work relationship resembles that of an employment relationship. Factors such as control over work hours, provision of tools and equipment, and the degree of independence can influence this determination. Misclassification can lead to penalties, back taxes, and social security contributions.

  5. Benefits of Using an Employer of Record (EOR): To mitigate the risks and complexities associated with hiring independent contractors, many companies opt to use an Employer of Record (EOR) service like Rivermate. An EOR can handle all compliance aspects, including tax filings, social security contributions, and ensuring that the contractual relationship adheres to Romanian laws. This allows companies to focus on their core business activities while ensuring legal compliance and reducing administrative burdens.

In summary, while it is possible to hire independent contractors in Romania, it requires careful attention to legal and tax obligations. Utilizing an EOR service can provide peace of mind and ensure compliance with local regulations.

What is HR compliance in Romania, and why is it important?

HR compliance in Romania refers to the adherence to the country's labor laws, regulations, and standards that govern employment practices. This includes a wide range of legal requirements such as employment contracts, working hours, wages, employee benefits, health and safety standards, termination procedures, and data protection laws. Ensuring HR compliance is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Legal Obligations: Romanian labor laws are comprehensive and cover various aspects of employment. Companies must comply with these laws to avoid legal penalties, fines, and potential lawsuits. Non-compliance can result in significant financial and reputational damage.

  2. Employee Rights and Protections: Compliance ensures that employees' rights are protected. This includes fair wages, safe working conditions, and protection against unfair dismissal. Adhering to these standards helps in maintaining a motivated and productive workforce.

  3. Avoiding Disputes: Proper HR compliance minimizes the risk of disputes between employers and employees. Clear and lawful employment practices help in resolving conflicts efficiently and maintaining a harmonious workplace.

  4. Reputation Management: Companies that comply with HR regulations are viewed more favorably by employees, customers, and the public. This enhances the company's reputation and can be a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining talent.

  5. Operational Efficiency: Compliance with HR laws ensures that the company operates smoothly without interruptions caused by legal issues. This allows the company to focus on its core business activities and growth.

  6. Data Protection: With the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, including Romania, companies must ensure that employee data is handled in compliance with data protection laws. This is crucial for maintaining trust and avoiding hefty fines.

Using an Employer of Record (EOR) like Rivermate can significantly aid in achieving HR compliance in Romania. An EOR takes on the responsibility of managing all aspects of employment, including compliance with local labor laws. This includes:

  • Drafting and managing employment contracts in accordance with Romanian law.
  • Ensuring that payroll is processed accurately and on time, including the correct calculation of taxes and social contributions.
  • Managing employee benefits and ensuring they meet legal requirements.
  • Handling termination procedures in compliance with local regulations to avoid wrongful termination claims.
  • Keeping up-to-date with changes in labor laws and ensuring the company remains compliant.

By leveraging the expertise of an EOR, companies can mitigate the risks associated with non-compliance, reduce administrative burdens, and focus on their strategic objectives while ensuring that their operations in Romania are legally sound.

What is the timeline for setting up a company in Romania?

Setting up a company in Romania involves several steps and can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months, depending on the complexity of the business and the efficiency of the processes. Here is a detailed timeline for setting up a company in Romania:

  1. Choosing the Company Type and Name (1-2 days):

    • Decide on the type of company you want to establish (e.g., Limited Liability Company - SRL, Joint Stock Company - SA).
    • Check the availability of the desired company name with the Romanian Trade Register.
  2. Drafting and Notarizing the Articles of Association (2-5 days):

    • Prepare the Articles of Association, which outline the company's structure, purpose, and operational guidelines.
    • Have the Articles of Association notarized by a public notary.
  3. Opening a Bank Account and Depositing Share Capital (1-3 days):

    • Open a bank account in the company's name.
    • Deposit the required share capital (minimum RON 200 for an SRL).
  4. Registering with the Trade Register (5-10 days):

    • Submit the necessary documents to the Romanian Trade Register, including the Articles of Association, proof of share capital deposit, and other required forms.
    • The Trade Register will review the documents and, if everything is in order, issue a registration certificate.
  5. Obtaining a Tax Identification Number (1-3 days):

    • Register the company with the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) to obtain a tax identification number.
  6. Registering for VAT (if applicable) (5-10 days):

    • If your company is expected to have a turnover exceeding the VAT threshold or if you choose to register voluntarily, apply for VAT registration with ANAF.
  7. Registering for Social Security and Health Insurance (1-3 days):

    • Register the company with the relevant social security and health insurance authorities to comply with employment regulations.
  8. Obtaining Necessary Licenses and Permits (varies):

    • Depending on the nature of your business, you may need to obtain specific licenses or permits from various regulatory bodies. The time required for this step can vary significantly.
  9. Setting Up Accounting and Payroll Systems (1-5 days):

    • Establish accounting and payroll systems to ensure compliance with Romanian financial and labor regulations.

Overall, the process of setting up a company in Romania can take approximately 2-6 weeks, assuming there are no significant delays or complications. However, this timeline can be extended if additional licenses or permits are required or if there are issues with document submission and approval.

Using an Employer of Record (EOR) service like Rivermate can significantly streamline this process. An EOR can handle many of the administrative and compliance-related tasks, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. This can reduce the setup time and ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements are met efficiently.

What options are available for hiring a worker in Romania?

In Romania, employers have several options for hiring workers, each with its own set of legal, administrative, and financial implications. Here are the primary options available:

  1. Direct Employment:

    • Permanent Contracts: This is the most common form of employment in Romania. It involves hiring an employee directly under an indefinite-term contract. The employer is responsible for all aspects of employment, including payroll, taxes, social security contributions, and compliance with Romanian labor laws.
    • Fixed-Term Contracts: Employers can hire workers on a fixed-term basis for specific projects or temporary needs. These contracts are subject to certain legal limitations, such as the maximum duration and the number of renewals.
  2. Temporary Employment:

    • Temporary Work Agencies: Employers can hire workers through temporary work agencies. These agencies handle the administrative and legal responsibilities, while the workers perform their duties for the client company. This option is suitable for short-term or seasonal needs.
  3. Freelancers and Independent Contractors:

    • Freelancers: Hiring freelancers or independent contractors is another option. These individuals are not considered employees and are responsible for their own taxes and social security contributions. This arrangement offers flexibility but requires careful management to ensure compliance with Romanian labor laws, particularly regarding the distinction between employees and contractors.
  4. Employer of Record (EOR) Services:

    • Employer of Record (EOR): Using an EOR service like Rivermate can simplify the hiring process in Romania. An EOR acts as the legal employer on behalf of the client company, handling all employment-related responsibilities, including payroll, tax compliance, benefits administration, and adherence to local labor laws. This option is particularly beneficial for companies looking to expand into Romania without establishing a legal entity in the country.

Benefits of Using an Employer of Record (EOR) in Romania

  1. Compliance with Local Laws:

    • An EOR ensures that all employment practices comply with Romanian labor laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues and penalties.
  2. Simplified Payroll and Tax Management:

    • The EOR handles payroll processing, tax withholding, and social security contributions, ensuring accurate and timely payments.
  3. Cost-Effective Expansion:

    • Using an EOR allows companies to hire employees in Romania without the need to set up a local subsidiary, saving time and resources.
  4. Focus on Core Business Activities:

    • By outsourcing HR and administrative tasks to an EOR, companies can focus on their core business operations and strategic goals.
  5. Access to Local Expertise:

    • EORs have in-depth knowledge of the local labor market and employment practices, providing valuable insights and support for effective workforce management.
  6. Flexibility and Scalability:

    • An EOR offers flexibility in hiring, allowing companies to scale their workforce up or down based on business needs without the complexities of direct employment.

In summary, while there are multiple options for hiring workers in Romania, using an Employer of Record service like Rivermate can provide significant advantages in terms of compliance, cost-efficiency, and operational simplicity.

What are the costs associated with employing someone in Romania?

Employing someone in Romania involves several costs that employers need to consider. These costs can be broadly categorized into gross salary, social security contributions, health insurance, and other mandatory benefits. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

  1. Gross Salary:

    • The gross salary is the total amount agreed upon with the employee before any deductions. As of 2023, the minimum gross salary in Romania is RON 3,000 per month. However, salaries can vary widely depending on the industry, role, and experience level.
  2. Employer Social Security Contributions:

    • Employers in Romania are required to contribute to social security on behalf of their employees. The main contributions include:
      • Pension Fund (CAS): 25% of the gross salary.
      • Health Insurance (CASS): 10% of the gross salary.
      • Work Insurance Contribution: 2.25% of the gross salary.
  3. Employee Contributions:

    • Employees also have deductions from their gross salary, which include:
      • Pension Fund (CAS): 25% of the gross salary.
      • Health Insurance (CASS): 10% of the gross salary.
      • Income Tax: 10% of the taxable income (gross salary minus employee contributions).
  4. Additional Costs:

    • Meal Vouchers: Many employers provide meal vouchers, which are a common benefit in Romania. The value of these vouchers can vary, but they are typically around RON 20 per working day.
    • Holiday Bonuses: Some companies offer holiday bonuses or 13th-month salaries, which can add to the overall employment cost.
    • Training and Development: Investment in employee training and development can also be a significant cost, depending on the industry and specific requirements.
  5. Administrative and Compliance Costs:

    • Employers must also consider the administrative costs associated with compliance, payroll processing, and HR management. This includes maintaining accurate records, ensuring timely payments, and adhering to local labor laws and regulations.
  6. Severance Pay:

    • In the event of termination, employers may be required to provide severance pay, depending on the circumstances and the employee’s length of service. The specifics can vary, but it’s an important cost to consider.

Using an Employer of Record (EOR) like Rivermate can help manage these costs effectively. An EOR handles all aspects of employment, including payroll, tax compliance, and benefits administration, ensuring that all legal requirements are met. This can save time and reduce the risk of non-compliance, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations while ensuring their employees in Romania are well taken care of.

How does Rivermate, as an Employer of Record in Romania, ensure HR compliance?

Rivermate, as an Employer of Record (EOR) in Romania, ensures HR compliance through a comprehensive understanding and application of local labor laws, regulations, and best practices. Here are several ways Rivermate achieves this:

  1. Local Expertise: Rivermate employs local HR professionals who are well-versed in Romanian labor laws and regulations. This local expertise ensures that all employment practices are compliant with national standards, including hiring, contracts, payroll, benefits, and terminations.

  2. Employment Contracts: Rivermate prepares and manages employment contracts that comply with Romanian labor laws. These contracts include all mandatory clauses and terms, such as working hours, salary, job description, and termination conditions, ensuring that both the employer and employee are protected.

  3. Payroll Management: Rivermate handles payroll processing in accordance with Romanian regulations. This includes calculating and withholding the correct amount of taxes, social security contributions, and other statutory deductions. They also ensure timely payment of salaries and compliance with minimum wage laws.

  4. Tax Compliance: Rivermate ensures that all tax obligations are met, including corporate taxes, employee income taxes, and social security contributions. They stay updated on any changes in tax legislation to ensure ongoing compliance.

  5. Benefits Administration: Rivermate manages statutory benefits such as health insurance, pension contributions, and other mandatory benefits. They also help design and administer additional benefits that comply with local laws and meet the needs of employees.

  6. Labor Law Adherence: Rivermate ensures compliance with Romanian labor laws regarding working hours, overtime, leave entitlements (such as annual leave, sick leave, and maternity/paternity leave), and workplace safety regulations. They monitor changes in labor laws and adjust policies and practices accordingly.

  7. Employee Relations: Rivermate assists in managing employee relations and resolving disputes in accordance with Romanian labor laws. They provide guidance on disciplinary actions, grievances, and terminations to ensure fair treatment and legal compliance.

  8. Data Protection: Rivermate ensures compliance with data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies in Romania. They implement robust data security measures to protect employee information and ensure privacy.

  9. Regulatory Updates: Rivermate continuously monitors changes in Romanian employment laws and regulations. They proactively update their practices and inform clients of any changes that may impact their operations, ensuring ongoing compliance.

  10. Training and Development: Rivermate provides training and development programs to ensure that both their staff and the employees they manage are aware of their rights and responsibilities under Romanian law. This includes training on workplace safety, anti-discrimination laws, and other relevant topics.

By leveraging their local expertise and comprehensive HR services, Rivermate ensures that companies can operate in Romania with full compliance, reducing the risk of legal issues and allowing businesses to focus on their core activities.

What legal responsibilities does a company have when using an Employer of Record service like Rivermate in Romania?

When a company uses an Employer of Record (EOR) service like Rivermate in Romania, the EOR assumes many of the legal responsibilities associated with employment. However, the company still retains certain obligations and should be aware of the following legal responsibilities and benefits:

  1. Compliance with Romanian Labor Laws: The EOR ensures that all employment practices comply with Romanian labor laws, including contracts, working hours, minimum wage, and termination procedures. This helps the company avoid legal pitfalls and penalties associated with non-compliance.

  2. Payroll and Taxation: The EOR handles payroll processing, ensuring that employees are paid accurately and on time. They also manage the calculation and withholding of income taxes, social security contributions, and other mandatory deductions, ensuring compliance with Romanian tax regulations.

  3. Employment Contracts: The EOR prepares and manages employment contracts in accordance with Romanian law. This includes ensuring that contracts are in the local language and contain all necessary legal provisions, such as job descriptions, salary, benefits, and termination clauses.

  4. Employee Benefits: The EOR administers employee benefits, including health insurance, pension contributions, and other statutory benefits required under Romanian law. This ensures that employees receive all legally mandated benefits and that the company remains compliant with local regulations.

  5. Work Permits and Visas: For foreign employees, the EOR assists with obtaining necessary work permits and visas, ensuring compliance with Romanian immigration laws. This is particularly beneficial for companies looking to hire international talent without navigating complex immigration processes.

  6. Labor Disputes and Termination: The EOR handles labor disputes and termination processes in accordance with Romanian law. This includes managing disciplinary actions, redundancies, and ensuring that any terminations are conducted legally and ethically, thereby reducing the risk of legal disputes.

  7. Health and Safety Compliance: The EOR ensures that workplace health and safety standards are met, in line with Romanian regulations. This includes conducting risk assessments, providing necessary training, and implementing safety protocols to protect employees.

  8. Data Protection: The EOR ensures compliance with data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies in Romania. This involves safeguarding employee data and ensuring that all personal information is handled in accordance with legal requirements.

  9. Local Expertise: The EOR provides local expertise and knowledge, helping the company navigate the complexities of Romanian employment law and cultural nuances. This can be particularly valuable for companies new to the Romanian market.

  10. Cost and Time Efficiency: By outsourcing HR and employment responsibilities to an EOR, the company can focus on its core business activities, saving time and resources that would otherwise be spent on managing HR functions and ensuring legal compliance.

In summary, while the EOR takes on many of the day-to-day legal responsibilities associated with employment in Romania, the company must still ensure that it selects a reputable EOR provider and maintains oversight of the employment relationship to ensure compliance and alignment with its business objectives.

Do employees receive all their rights and benefits when employed through an Employer of Record in Romania?

Yes, employees in Romania receive all their rights and benefits when employed through an Employer of Record (EOR) like Rivermate. An EOR ensures compliance with local labor laws and regulations, which is crucial in a country like Romania where employment laws can be complex and stringent. Here are some key aspects:

  1. Employment Contracts: The EOR provides legally compliant employment contracts that adhere to Romanian labor laws. These contracts cover essential terms such as job description, salary, working hours, and termination conditions.

  2. Wages and Salaries: Employees receive their wages and salaries in accordance with Romanian law, including adherence to minimum wage requirements. The EOR ensures timely and accurate payroll processing, including the calculation of taxes and social security contributions.

  3. Social Security and Taxes: The EOR handles all statutory contributions, including social security, health insurance, and unemployment insurance. This ensures that employees are covered under Romania's social security system and that all tax obligations are met.

  4. Paid Leave: Employees are entitled to paid leave, including annual leave, sick leave, and maternity/paternity leave, as stipulated by Romanian labor laws. The EOR ensures that these entitlements are correctly calculated and granted.

  5. Working Hours and Overtime: The EOR ensures compliance with regulations regarding working hours, rest periods, and overtime pay. Romanian law typically mandates a standard workweek of 40 hours, with specific provisions for overtime compensation.

  6. Health and Safety: The EOR is responsible for ensuring that the workplace meets Romanian health and safety standards. This includes providing necessary training and ensuring a safe working environment.

  7. Termination and Severance: The EOR manages the termination process in compliance with Romanian labor laws, which include specific procedures and notice periods. Employees are entitled to severance pay if applicable, and the EOR ensures these payments are made correctly.

  8. Employee Rights and Protections: Employees have the right to join trade unions and engage in collective bargaining. The EOR respects these rights and ensures that employees are not discriminated against or unfairly treated.

By using an EOR like Rivermate, companies can ensure that their employees in Romania receive all the rights and benefits they are entitled to under local law. This not only helps in maintaining employee satisfaction and retention but also mitigates the risk of legal issues arising from non-compliance with Romanian employment regulations.

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