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ParaguayVacation and Leave Policies

Understand the regulations on vacation and other types of leave in Paraguay

Holiday leave

In Paraguay, the Labor Code outlines the regulations for employee vacation entitlements. After one year of continuous service with the same employer, employees become eligible for paid vacation leave. However, these vacation days accrue progressively and not all at once.

Accrual and Eligibility

After one year of continuous service with the same employer, employees become eligible for paid vacation leave. It's important to note that these vacation days accrue progressively and not all at once.

Vacation Entitlement Based on Seniority

The number of vacation days an employee is entitled to is dependent on their years of service:

  • 1-5 years of service: Employees are entitled to 12 working days of paid vacation leave per year.
  • 5-10 years of service: Employees are entitled to 18 working days of paid vacation leave per year.
  • 10+ years of service: Employees are entitled to 30 working days of paid vacation leave per year.

Important Considerations

When it comes to vacation leave, there are several important factors to consider:

  • Working days: Vacation entitlements do not include Sundays.
  • Unused vacation: Unless a specific agreement exists between the employee and employer, vacation days cannot be carried over to the following year.
  • Compensation during vacation: During their vacation time, employees receive their regular salary.
  • Scheduling: Vacation dates must be mutually agreed upon by employers and employees. While the employer generally has the final say, they must take the employee's preferences into consideration.

Additional Notes

The Labor Code provides the basic regulations for vacation. However, specific industries or collective bargaining agreements may offer more favorable vacation entitlements. Employers in Paraguay who violate vacation leave laws may face fines and other penalties.

Public holidays

Paraguay observes a variety of national, historical, and religious holidays throughout the year.

Fixed Public Holidays

Paraguay has several fixed public holidays. These include:

  • New Year's Day on January 1st
  • Heroes' Day on March 1st
  • Independence Day on May 14th and 15th
  • Chaco Armistice Day on June 12th
  • Founding of Asunción on August 15th
  • Boquerón Victory Day on September 29th
  • Virgin of Caacupé Day on December 8th
  • Christmas Day on December 25th

Movable Public Holidays

In addition to the fixed holidays, Paraguay also observes movable public holidays. These include Holy Thursday and Good Friday, the dates of which vary according to the Christian calendar.

Notes on Movable Holidays

Several public holidays in Paraguay can be moved to the nearest Monday by presidential decree. This is done to create long weekends and promote domestic tourism. However, fixed holidays, including Independence Day and Christmas Day, are never moved.

Types of leave

In Paraguay, there are several types of leave available to employees. These include annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, and other types of leave such as bereavement and study leave.

Annual Leave

Employees are entitled to annual leave based on their years of service. After one year of service, employees are entitled to 12 working days of leave. This increases to 18 working days after five years of service and 30 working days after ten years of service. This is in accordance with the Labor Code of Paraguay, Article 218.

Sick Leave

Employees are entitled to paid sick leave after making a minimum of four weeks of social security contributions. A medical certificate must be presented to the employer. This is outlined in the Labor Code of Paraguay, Article 75 and the Social Security regulations.

Maternity Leave

Women are entitled to 18 weeks of fully paid maternity leave. The payment is made through the Social Security Institute (IPS) upon providing a doctor's certificate. In the case of multiple births, an additional 30 days of paid leave is provided. This is in accordance with the Labor Code of Paraguay, Article 133 and the Social Security regulations.

Paternity Leave

Men are entitled to 2 weeks of fully paid paternity leave, compensated by the Social Security Institute (IPS). This is outlined in the Labor Code of Paraguay, Article 55, amended by Law N° 5508/15.

Other Types of Leave

There are other types of leave available as well. Bereavement leave may be provided in specific circumstances, usually upon the death of an immediate family member. Some employers may also offer study leave provisions depending on company policies.

It's important to note that leave entitlements may sometimes be increased through collective bargaining agreements or individual employment contracts. Employers are obligated to maintain records of employee leave accrual and usage.

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