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MozambiqueWorking Hours and Overtime Regulations

Understand the laws governing work hours and overtime in Mozambique

Standard working hours

Mozambique's labor law outlines the regulations for standard working hours. The key points are as follows:

Maximum Working Hours

The Mozambican Labour Law sets a limit for both daily and weekly working hours:

  • Daily: Normal working hours should not exceed eight hours per day.
  • Weekly: The maximum working week is set at 48 hours.

Exceptions and Extensions

The law recognizes situations where exceeding the standard hours might be necessary. However, these extensions require specific conditions:

  • Collective Agreements: Through collective bargaining agreements between employers and employee unions, the 48-hour limit can be reduced or extended to a maximum of 56 hours per week.
  • Special Circumstances: In rare cases, government regulations or collective agreements may authorize exceeding the daily limit by up to four hours. This extension comes with the requirement of providing the employee with an additional half-day of rest per week on top of their regular weekly break.


Mozambique has specific regulations regarding overtime work and its compensation. Employees who work beyond the standard working hours as defined by law are entitled to overtime compensation. This applies to both private and public sectors, with some exceptions for public service management positions.

A recent regulation for the year 2024 states that public service employees in management roles are not eligible for overtime pay.

While overtime is permitted, there are limitations on the total number of hours an employee can work. An employee can perform a maximum of 96 hours of overtime per quarter. Overtime work should not exceed eight hours per week. The total overtime hours cannot surpass 200 hours annually.

The Mozambican Labour Law mandates a tiered system for overtime compensation based on the time worked. Employees receive 150% of their normal hourly rate for overtime hours worked until 8:00 PM. Overtime hours worked between 8:00 PM and the start of regular working hours the following day are compensated at 200% of the normal hourly rate. Work performed on Sundays, public holidays, or additional rest days qualifies for a 200% premium on the normal wage rate.

Rest periods and breaks

Mozambique's labor law ensures rest periods and breaks for workers, contributing to their well-being and productivity.

Weekly Rest Day

Mozambican law mandates a minimum weekly rest period of at least 24 consecutive hours for every seven-day period. This means workers are entitled to one full day of rest each week. While Sunday is traditionally the primary weekly rest day, exceptions can be negotiated through collective bargaining agreements.

Daily Rest Breaks

The law also provides for daily rest breaks for employees. The regulations around these breaks include:

  • Minimum Duration: Workers are guaranteed a minimum rest period of 30 minutes, with a maximum limit of two hours. This break falls within their working hours and is typically unpaid.
  • Shift Work Breaks: For workers engaged in continuous or non-continuous shift work, the law mandates additional breaks:
    • A paid break of at least 20 minutes after no more than 4.5 consecutive hours worked.
    • An additional paid break of at least 10 minutes after a subsequent period of no more than 3 hours.

Night shift and weekend regulations

In Mozambique, regulations have been implemented to protect the well-being of employees and ensure fair compensation for those who work during the night and on weekends.

Night work is defined by the Mozambican Labour Law as any work performed during a period of not less than seven consecutive hours, including the interval from midnight to 5 a.m. Night work warrants additional compensation. While the specific reference number isn't publicly available, the law mandates a premium on top of the regular wage rate. The law emphasizes that night work should be avoided whenever possible. In situations where night work is unavoidable, employers are encouraged to offer compensatory measures beyond just financial remuneration. This could include reduced working hours or alternative benefits.

Weekend work in Mozambique generally refers to work performed on a designated weekly rest day, typically Sunday. Work performed on Sundays or designated rest days qualifies for a premium on the normal wage rate, typically set at 200%. This provides an incentive for the additional work undertaken on a day meant for rest and recovery.

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