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Timor-LesteWorking Hours and Overtime Regulations

Understand the laws governing work hours and overtime in Timor-Leste

Standard working hours

In Timor-Leste, the labor laws regulate the workweek. The standard work day is eight hours long. The maximum number of working hours per week is capped at forty-four hours.


In Timor-Leste, regulations have been established to govern overtime work, ensuring fair compensation for employees who exceed standard working hours. These rules are dictated by Law No. 4/2012 - Lao Hamutuk, Article 1.

Overtime work is classified into two categories: Regular Overtime and Weekend and Holiday Overtime.

Regular Overtime refers to work performed beyond the standard eight hours per day. This overtime work is compensated at a rate of 150% of the normal hourly wage according to Law No. 4/2012 - Lao Hamutuk, Article 1.

Weekend and Holiday Overtime refers to work performed on a weekly rest day or a public holiday. In these instances, employees are entitled to 200% of their normal hourly wage as per Law No. 4/2012 - Lao Hamutuk, Article 2.

There are also limitations on overtime. The total working hours, including regular hours and overtime, cannot exceed twelve hours per day as per Law No. 4/2012 - Lao Hamutuk, Article 4.

While employers can request overtime work, employees have the right to refuse overtime unless there are exceptional circumstances. It's recommended to consult with a local Timorese labor lawyer for the latest interpretations on required employee consent for overtime.

Rest periods and breaks

In Timor-Leste, rest periods and breaks for employees are mandated, ensuring they have sufficient time to recuperate during the workday.

Daily Rest Breaks

Timor-Leste law guarantees all employees a period of rest during the workday. The specific duration of these breaks is not explicitly stipulated in national legislation. However, regulations or collective bargaining agreements may establish the mandated break time. In the absence of such regulations, it's advisable to consult with Timor-Leste's Ministry of Labour for clarification on recommended break periods.

Weekly Rest Period

All employees are entitled to a minimum of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours of rest each week. This mandated rest period can be altered through collective bargaining agreements, but under no circumstances can it be reduced below 24 hours.

Night shift and weekend regulations

In Timor-Leste, labor laws have established specific regulations for night shift and weekend work.

Night shift work is generally defined as work performed between 7:00 pm and 5:00 am. Employers are required to compensate workers for night shifts at a higher rate than regular working hours. The specific rate increase is not mandated by law but should be established through an employment contract or collective bargaining agreement. Night workers are entitled to preventive medical examinations at no cost to the employee. The frequency of these examinations should be determined by the nature of the work and potential health risks. Female workers cannot be forced to perform night shift work during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Weekend work is generally prohibited unless authorized by the relevant authorities due to the nature of the work or specific operational requirements. When weekend work is authorized, workers must be compensated at a higher rate than regular working hours. The specific rate increase is not mandated by law but should be established through an employment contract or collective bargaining agreement.

Decree-Law No. 5/2007 provides further regulations regarding continuous work regimes, which may apply to certain night shift or weekend work situations. It is advisable to consult this decree-law for specific details.

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