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MayotteVacation and Leave Policies

Understand the regulations on vacation and other types of leave in Mayotte

Holiday leave

In Mayotte, a French overseas department, the French Labor Code (Code du travail) is followed for vacation leave regulations. Employees are entitled to 2.5 working days of paid vacation leave for each month of work, which translates to 30 working days (or 5 weeks) of leave per year. Leave accrues throughout the year of work. The reference period for leave calculation typically runs from June 1st of the previous year to May 31st of the current year. Employers and employees must collaborate to determine vacation schedules, taking into account operational needs and employee preferences. Employees continue to receive their regular salary during their vacation leave period.

Additional Leave Provisions

Certain circumstances may grant employees additional days of paid leave. These include family events like marriage, childbirth, or serious illness of a family member. Employees with significant years of service may receive additional leave days based on their seniority. Employees with disabilities may be entitled to extra leave. Specific industries or companies may have more favorable leave provisions outlined in their collective bargaining agreements.

Important Notes

Vacation leave that is not taken within the designated reference period may be carried over, forfeited, or compensated financially, depending on company policies and agreements.

Public holidays

Mayotte, an overseas department of France, observes a mix of French national holidays and local celebrations.

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (Jour de l'an): Celebrated on January 1st.
  • Easter Monday (Lundi de Pâques): The date varies annually based on the Christian calendar.
  • Labor Day (Fête du Travail): Celebrated on May 1st.
  • Victory in Europe Day (Fête de la Victoire): Celebrated on May 8th.
  • Ascension Day (Ascension): The date varies annually, 40 days after Easter.
  • Whit Monday (Lundi de Pentecôte): The date varies annually, the day after Pentecost Sunday.
  • Bastille Day (Fête Nationale): Celebrated on July 14th.
  • Assumption of Mary (Assomption): Celebrated on August 15th.
  • All Saints' Day (Toussaint): Celebrated on November 1st.
  • Armistice Day (Armistice): Celebrated on November 11th.
  • Christmas Day (Noël): Celebrated on December 25th.

Holidays Specific to Mayotte

  • Abolition of Slavery Day (Abolition de l'esclavage): Celebrated on April 27th.

Religious Holidays with Variable Dates

Mayotte has a significant Muslim population, and these religious holidays are observed:

  • Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan): The date varies annually based on the Islamic calendar.
  • Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice): The date varies annually based on the Islamic calendar.

Please note that the exact dates of religious holidays may vary slightly each year as they follow the lunar calendar.

Types of leave

Employees in Mayotte are entitled to various types of leave.

Annual Paid Leave

Employees are entitled to 2.5 working days of paid leave per month of work. This translates to 30 working days (or 5 weeks) of paid leave per year. Leave accrues throughout the year, and employees cannot be compelled to take leave before it's accrued. Employers and employees must come to an agreement about the scheduling of annual leave. The employer holds more power in decision-making but must consider the employee's preferences.

Sick Leave

Employees become eligible for paid sick leave after one month of service. There's no limit to the amount of sick leave one can accrue. Employees must provide a medical certificate to justify absences exceeding three days.

Maternity Leave

Female employees are entitled to 16 weeks total of maternity leave, typically divided into prenatal and postnatal periods. The specific division can be adjusted based on medical advice. Employers cannot terminate employment during maternity leave.

Paternity Leave

Fathers are entitled to 11 consecutive days of paternity leave (18 days in case of multiple births).

Parental Leave

After the birth or adoption of a child, either parent is entitled to take parental leave to care for the child. The duration of leave can vary based on factors like the number of children in the family. Employers cannot terminate employment during parental leave.

Other Types of Leave

Employees are entitled to paid leave in the event of the death of a close family member. The duration varies based on the relationship with the deceased. Employees may be entitled to short leaves of absence for specific family events like marriage or the birth of a child. In certain circumstances, employees may be able to negotiate unpaid leaves of absence with their employer.

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