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LebanonVacation and Leave Policies

Understand the regulations on vacation and other types of leave in Lebanon

Holiday leave

In Lebanon, the rules and regulations for vacation leave entitlements for employees are set by the Labour Code, promulgated in 1946.

Accrual and Eligibility

After completing one full year of continuous service with the same employer, employees become eligible for paid annual leave, also known as vacation leave. The Labour Code stipulates the following minimum entitlement for vacation leave based on the duration of employment:

  • 1-5 years of service: 15 working days
  • 5-10 years of service: 17 working days
  • 10-15 years of service: 19 working days
  • Over 15 years of service: 21 working days

Important Considerations

During their annual leave period, employees are entitled to full pay, which is 100% of their normal wages. If a public holiday falls during an employee's annual leave, it is not counted as part of their allocated vacation days. The timing of annual leave should be determined by agreement between the employer and the employee, balancing operational needs and employee preferences. In the event of termination, employees are entitled to compensation for any accrued but unused vacation leave.

Authoritative References

The primary legal document outlining employment regulations in Lebanon is the Lebanese Labour Code. It's always advisable to refer to your employment contract as it may offer more generous benefits than the minimum stipulated by Lebanese Labour Code. Additionally, sector-specific arrangements or collective agreements may also influence vacation leave entitlements.

Public holidays

Lebanon officially observes a diverse set of public holidays that stem from both religious and national events.

Religious Holidays

Christian Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1): Celebrates the start of the Gregorian calendar year.
  • Armenian Christmas (January 6): Observed by the Armenian Orthodox community.
  • Saint Maroun's Day (February 9): Celebrated by the Maronite Christian community.
  • Annunciation of the Virgin Mary (March 25): Celebrated by Christian communities in Lebanon.
  • Good Friday (Variable): Observed by both Eastern and Western Christian communities.
  • Easter Sunday (Variable): Observed by both Eastern and Western Christian communities.
  • Assumption of Mary (August 15): Major feast day celebrated by Christian communities.
  • Christmas Day (December 25): Celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.

Muslim Holidays

  • Al-Hijra (Islamic New Year) (Variable): Marks the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar.
  • Ashura (Variable): Commemorates the martyrdom of Imam Hussein.
  • Prophet Muhammad's Birthday (Variable): Celebrates the birth of Prophet Muhammad. Observed by both Sunni and Shia Muslim communities, but on different dates.
  • Eid al-Fitr (Variable): Marks the end of Ramadan.
  • Eid Al-Adha (Variable): Commemorates Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son.

National Holidays

  • Independence Day (November 22): Celebrates Lebanon's independence from France in 1943.

The dates of some religious holidays vary each year because they are based on lunar calendars.

Types of leave

Employees who have completed one year of service are entitled to 15 working days of annual leave with full pay. The amount of leave increases based on the length of service:

Annual Leave

  • 17 days for employees with 5 to 10 years of service.
  • 19 days for employees with 10 to 15 years of service.
  • 21 days for employees with more than 15 years of service.

Maternity Leave

Female employees are entitled to 10 weeks (70 calendar days) of fully paid maternity leave. This leave can be taken before and after childbirth.

Paternity Leave

Male employees are entitled to 3 days of fully paid paternity leave upon the birth of a child.

Sick Leave

Employees are entitled to sick leave with varying levels of pay depending on the duration of illness and length of service:

  • First 3 Months to 2 Years of Service: Half a month with full pay, half a month with half pay.
  • 2 to 5 Years of Service: 1 full month with full pay, 2 months with half pay
  • 5 to 10 Years of Service: 2 full months with full pay, 2 months with half pay
  • 10+ Years of Service: 4 full months with full pay

A valid doctor's note is required to claim sick leave.

Other Types of Leave

  • Bereavement Leave: Employees may be entitled to bereavement leave depending on company policies and collective bargaining agreements.
  • Unpaid Leave: In some instances, employees may be able to request unpaid leave for personal reasons. Policies for unpaid leave depend on company guidelines and collective bargaining agreements.

Important Notes:

  • Employers cannot dismiss an employee during their annual leave.
  • Employers generally cannot refuse or unreasonably delay valid requests for entitled leaves.
  • Company policies or collective bargaining agreements may offer additional benefits or leaves beyond the legally mandated minimums.
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