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HungaryVacation and Leave Policies

Understand the regulations on vacation and other types of leave in Hungary

Holiday leave

In Hungary, the Labour Code (Act I of 2012) stipulates that all employees have a right to at least 20 working days of paid annual leave each calendar year. The number of leave days increases with the employee's age. For example, an additional day is added when an employee turns 25, two more days at 28, and so on. It's crucial to remember that annual leave is calculated based on working days, and weekends are typically not included in paid annual leave unless the employment contract states otherwise.

Scheduling Annual Leave

Although employers generally have the authority to schedule annual leave, the Labour Code stresses the importance of mutual agreement between the employer and the employee regarding leave periods. At least once per calendar year, a minimum of 14 consecutive days of annual leave must be provided. Moreover, employers are required to allocate at least 7 days of annual leave as per the employee's request.

Unused Leave and Termination

The Labour Code allows for unused leave to be carried over to the next year within certain limits. Employers are typically required to grant paid annual leave within the leave accrual period. If employment is terminated, any accrued but unused annual leave should be compensated with Annual Leave Pay.

Record Keeping

To ensure compliance with Hungarian labor laws, employers are required to keep accurate records of employee leave accrival and usage.

Public holidays

Hungary celebrates a variety of national holidays, commemorating significant historical events, figures, and religious traditions.

Main National Holidays

  • March 15th (1848 Revolution Day): This day marks the anniversary of the 1848 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence against the Habsburg Empire.

  • August 20th (St. Stephen's Day): This day celebrates the foundation of the Hungarian state and its founder, King Saint Stephen. It is also the official state holiday of Hungary.

  • October 23rd (1956 Revolution Day): This day commemorates the anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution against the Soviet-backed Hungarian People's Republic.

Christian Holidays

  • Good Friday: This is the Friday before Easter Sunday.

  • Easter Sunday: This day celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ according to Christian belief.

  • Easter Monday: This is the day after Easter Sunday.

  • Pentecost Monday: This day occurs 50 days after Easter and commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles.

  • All Saints' Day (November 1st): This solemnity honors all saints, both recognized and unknown.

  • Christmas (December 25-26): This holiday commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.

Other Notable Days

  • New Year's Day (January 1st):

  • Labour Day (May 1st): Also known as International Workers' Day.

Public holidays in Hungary are official non-working days for the entire population. Employers usually outline any additional local observances in employment contracts or within collective bargaining agreements.

Types of leave

In Hungary, the Labor Code (Act I of 2012 on the Labor Code) establishes several types of leave for employees.

Annual Leave (Szabadság)

Employees are entitled to a minimum of 20 working days of annual leave. This entitlement increases based on the employee's age, starting from 25 years with 1 additional day, and increasing up to a maximum of 30 days for employees over 45 years old. Employers must ensure employees take at least 7 consecutive days of leave as part of their annual entitlement.

Sick Leave (Táppénz)

Employees are entitled to 15 working days of sick leave per calendar year, paid at 70% of their average earnings. Sick leave requires a medical certificate issued by a doctor. If sick leave exceeds 15 days, the Hungarian National Health Insurance Fund (OEP) takes over payments.

Maternity Leave (Szülési Szabadság)

Female employees are entitled to 24 weeks of maternity leave. Mothers must take at least two of the 24 weeks before the expected due date. During this leave, they receive Pregnancy and Confinement Benefit (CSED) and Child Care Fee (GYED), both calculated as 70% of average salary.

Paternity Leave (Apasági Szabadság)

Fathers are entitled to 5 days of paid paternity leave within the first two months of the child's birth. In the case of multiple births, fathers receive an additional 7 paid days.

Parental Leave (Gyermekgondozási Díj – GYED)

Parents are entitled to take unpaid leave to care for their child until the child's third birthday. This leave is available to either parent or a grandparent caring for the child. Parents may receive a Child Care Fee (GYED) during this leave, subject to eligibility requirements.

Other Types of Leave

Employees may request unpaid leave for various reasons, although employer approval isn't guaranteed. Employees may also be eligible for paid or unpaid leave for educational purposes. Additionally, employees may be entitled to leave to care for sick or disabled family members.

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