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HondurasWorking Hours and Overtime Regulations

Understand the laws governing work hours and overtime in Honduras

Standard working hours

The Honduran Labor Code establishes regulations regarding standard working hours to ensure fair treatment and prevent employee exploitation. Here are the key points:

  • The maximum workday in Honduras cannot exceed eight (8) hours.
  • The maximum workweek is set at forty-four (44) hours.

Interestingly, Honduran law dictates that employee salaries be calculated based on a forty-eight (48) hour workweek, even if the actual workweek is 44 hours. This means employees receive compensation proportionate to the 48-hour figure for the hours they work within the legal 44-hour limit.


In Honduras, labor law provides clear guidelines for overtime work, safeguarding employee rights and ensuring appropriate compensation.

Overtime work is defined as any work performed beyond the legal limits. It's important to note that employers cannot force employees to work overtime.

The law mandates a premium pay rate for overtime work, providing fair compensation for additional hours. During daytime overtime, employees receive a 125% surcharge on their regular hourly wage. For nighttime overtime, which is between 7:00 PM and 5:00 AM, employees are entitled to a 170% surcharge on their regular hourly wage. For instance, if an employee's regular hourly wage is 30 Lempiras, their overtime pay would be 37.5 Lempiras per hour for daytime and 51 Lempiras per hour for nighttime.

The law also restricts the amount of overtime work an employee can perform. The maximum allowed overtime in a week is sixteen hours, and employers cannot require employees to work overtime more than four times a week. It's worth noting that overtime work is strictly prohibited in hazardous or unhealthy work environments.

Rest periods and breaks

Honduran labor law stipulates minimum rest periods and breaks to ensure the well-being and productivity of workers.

Daily Rest Periods

Workers are entitled to a minimum of 10 consecutive hours of rest within a 24-hour period. It's important to note that pregnant women are entitled to additional rest periods as outlined in specific regulations.

Daily Breaks

All workers are entitled to a minimum of 30 minutes break during a regular workday. Female employees (between the ages of 14 and 18) are granted a longer break of 2 hours per workday. The way breaks are structured within the workday (continuous or split) is flexible, as long as the minimum 30-minute break requirement is met.

Weekly Rest Periods

Honduran law mandates that every worker receives one day of rest for every six days worked. There are limited exceptions to the Sunday rest requirement. These exceptions are for situations where the work is urgent and cannot be interrupted, requires continuous operation due to its technical or practical nature, or could negatively impact public interest if interrupted on Sundays. It's important to remember that these exceptions require justification and cannot be used arbitrarily.

Night shift and weekend regulations

Honduran labor law acknowledges the unique demands of night and weekend work, establishing specific regulations to safeguard worker well-being and ensure equitable remuneration.

Night Shift Work

  • Definition: Night work is classified as work carried out between 7:00 PM and 5:00 AM.
  • Reduced Hours: Night shift workers are not permitted to work more than 6 hours per day or 36 hours per week. This reduced schedule recognizes the potential for increased fatigue during nighttime hours.
  • Premium Pay: Workers on the night shift are entitled to a 50% wage premium on top of their regular salary. This additional compensation incentivizes night work and acknowledges its potential challenges.
  • Overtime: If a night shift worker is required to work overtime, they are entitled to an additional 75% premium on top of their night shift wage. This ensures they are adequately compensated for extended hours during already demanding work periods.

Weekend Work

  • Weekly Rest: Honduran law mandates that every worker receives one day of rest for every six days worked, with Sundays preferred. This ensures workers have sufficient downtime for recovery.
  • Exceptions: There are limited exceptions to the Sunday rest requirement. However, these exceptions require justification and are only applicable in specific circumstances, such as urgent, uninterrupted work, continuous technical operations, or situations where Sunday work is essential for the public interest.
  • Weekend Work Compensation: While the law prioritizes a day of rest, there may be instances where weekend work is necessary. In such cases, workers are entitled to compensation for their work, though the specific details may vary depending on the employment contract and negotiations.
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