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GuineaWorking Hours and Overtime Regulations

Understand the laws governing work hours and overtime in Guinea

Standard working hours

In Guinea, standard working hours are governed by two key pieces of legislation:

  • The Labour Code: This is the main legal document outlining employment regulations in Guinea.

The Labour Code sets the following limits for working hours:

  • Daily: A maximum of 10 hours per day.
  • Weekly: A maximum of 48 hours per week.

These are the maximums. The Labour Code also establishes a standard workweek of 40 hours, which can be extended to 48 hours for industrial workers.


In Guinea, labor laws have established regulations and limitations for overtime work. Employers can require employees to work overtime, up to a yearly limit of 100 hours, without needing special authorization. However, if overtime surpasses 100 hours annually, employers must obtain approval from the Labor Inspector before requesting further overtime work.

Employees working overtime are entitled to additional compensation on top of their regular salary. The specific rates depend on the number of overtime hours worked. Overtime work during the first four hours in a week is compensated at 130% of the regular hourly rate. Overtime exceeding four hours in a week is compensated at a higher rate of 160% of the regular hourly rate.

It's worth noting that collective bargaining agreements may establish more favorable overtime pay rates than those mandated by law.

Rest periods and breaks

In Guinea, labor laws dictate that all employees are entitled to certain rest periods and breaks.

Every worker is entitled to a compulsory weekly rest period of at least 24 consecutive hours. Sundays are generally designated as the weekly rest day, although there are exceptions for specific sectors.

In terms of daily rest breaks, workers who are not engaged in continuous work are entitled to a rest break of at least 30 minutes. Furthermore, no worker can be required to work for more than 5 consecutive hours without a break.

Night shift and weekend regulations

In Guinea, the labor code provides regulations for night work and weekend work, with the aim of protecting employee well-being and ensuring fair compensation.

Night work is defined by Guinean law as any work performed during a period of at least seven hours, which includes all or part of the interval between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Night work for women and minors (under 18) is generally prohibited, but exceptions can be granted by the Ministry of Labor in specific sectors or circumstances. Night work warrants a mandatory pay increase, the specific amount of which should be established through negotiation between the employer and employee representatives, or by collective agreement.

The workweek in Guinea is typically Monday to Saturday, with Sundays considered rest days for most employees. However, certain sectors or activities may require work on Sundays, which should be defined through collective agreements or ministerial orders. Work performed on Sundays or designated rest days necessitates a compensatory rest period of equal duration, or a wage increase of at least 50% of the regular rate.

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