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GabonVacation and Leave Policies

Understand the regulations on vacation and other types of leave in Gabon

Holiday leave

In Gabon, the Labor Code stipulates that all employees have a right to a minimum of 24 working days of paid annual leave each year. This equates to roughly one month of leave after 12 months of continuous service.

Additional Leave Based on Certain Factors

The Labor Code allows for additional vacation days based on factors such as age, length of service, and family situation. As employees age and their years of service within the company increase, they can earn extra vacation time. Collective agreements or company policies may also provide for additional entitlements. Certain family events or situations may also qualify employees for extra leave days.

Leave for Family Events

The Labor Code or collective agreements may specify certain family events that qualify employees for up to 10 days of paid leave annually.

Key Points to Consider

Vacation leave typically accumulates over the course of the year. It's important for employers and employees to agree on vacation schedules to ensure business operations run smoothly. The Labor Code, collective agreements, or company-specific policies provide regulations regarding the carryover or payout of unused vacation leave.

Public holidays

Gabon celebrates a variety of national, religious, and commemorative holidays throughout the year.

Fixed Date Holidays

Gabon observes several holidays on fixed dates. These include:

  • New Year's Day (Jour de l'an) on January 1st
  • Renovation Day on March 12th, which commemorates the founding of the Gabonese Democratic Party
  • Women's Day on April 17th, which honors Rose Francine Rogombé, Gabon's first female Head of State
  • Labor Day (Fête du Travail) on May 1st
  • Assumption Day (Assomption) on August 15th
  • Independence Day(s) (Fête Nationale) on August 16th and 17th, which celebrates Gabon's independence from France in 1960
  • All Saints' Day (Toussaint) on November 1st
  • Christmas Day (Noël) on December 25th

Variable Date Holidays

In addition to fixed date holidays, Gabon also observes several holidays with variable dates. These include:

  • Easter Monday (Lundi de Pâques), which varies based on the Christian liturgical calendar
  • Ascension Day (Ascension), which varies based on the Christian liturgical calendar
  • Whit Monday (Pentecôte), which varies based on the Christian liturgical calendar
  • Eid al-Fitr (Aïd el-Fitr), marking the end of Ramadan, which varies based on the Islamic calendar
  • Eid al-Adha (Aïd el-Kébir), the Feast of the Sacrifice, which varies based on the Islamic calendar

Types of leave

In Gabon, employees are entitled to various forms of leave, governed by the Labor Code and other relevant regulations.

Annual Leave

Employees are entitled to a minimum of 24 working days of paid annual leave for every 12 months of continuous service (Labor Code, Article 185). Additional leave may accrue based on age, seniority, or family circumstances. The purpose of this leave is for rest and recuperation.

Family Events Leave

Employees can take up to 10 days of paid leave annually for attending to specific family events (Labor Code). This leave can be used for marriages, births, serious illness of family members, or other events as defined in the Labor Code or collective agreements.

Sick Leave

Employees can take up to 6 months of paid sick leave for illnesses or injuries that are duly certified by a medical practitioner (Labor Code). The purpose of this leave is for recovery from illness or injury.

Maternity Leave

Female employees are entitled to 14 weeks of fully paid maternity leave, with at least 6 weeks taken before the expected delivery date (Labor Code, Article 133). This leave is for childbirth and postpartum care.

Paternity Leave

Entitlement to paternity leave may be included under the family events leave provision. Consult the Labor Code or company policies for specific details. The purpose of this leave is for supporting the mother and newborn child.

Other Types of Leave

  • Bereavement Leave: Provisions may exist within the Labor Code or collective agreements.
  • Study Leave: May be granted under specific conditions as outlined in the Labor Code or relevant agreements.

For detailed provisions on each leave type, refer to specific articles in the Gabon Labor Code. Collective Bargaining Agreements may provide additional leave entitlements or enhancements beyond the Labor Code.

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