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Aland IslandsVacation and Leave Policies

Understand the regulations on vacation and other types of leave in Aland Islands

Holiday leave

In the Åland Islands, an autonomous region of Finland, the Annual Holidays Act (Vuosilomalaki) governs vacation leave, in accordance with Finnish labor laws.

Minimum Entitlement

Throughout the year, employees accrue vacation leave at varying rates. For each full month of employment during the accrual year, which spans from January 1st to March 31st, employees accrue 2 days of vacation leave. Starting from April 1st for the rest of the calendar year, employees accrue 2.5 days of vacation leave for each full month of employment. The maximum annual vacation leave entitlement for any employee is 30 days.

Accrual and Calculation

Vacation leave accrues gradually throughout the employment period. An employee is entitled to take vacation leave earned during an accrual year even if they haven't yet completed 12 months of work.

Vacation Pay

Employees receive their regular salary as compensation during their vacation leave period.


Generally, employers determine the timing of vacation leave. However, when practically possible, employees' preferences should be considered.

Important Note

The Annual Holidays Act sets the minimum vacation leave standards. Through employment contracts or collective bargaining agreements, employers can establish more generous vacation benefits. For the most accurate details of your vacation leave entitlements, always consult your employment contract and company's policies.

Public holidays

The Åland Islands, an autonomous region of Finland, celebrates a mix of Finnish national holidays and its own unique holidays.

Finnish National Holidays

The Finnish national holidays observed in the Åland Islands include:

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Epiphany (January 6)
  • Good Friday (Date varies, usually March or April)
  • Easter Sunday (Date varies, usually March or April)
  • Easter Monday (Date varies, usually March or April)
  • Labour Day (Vappu) (May 1)
  • Ascension Day (Date varies, usually May or June)
  • Pentecost (Whit Sunday) (Date varies, usually May or June)
  • Christmas Eve (December 24)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
  • St. Stephen's Day (Boxing Day) (December 26)

Åland Islands Specific Holidays

In addition to the Finnish national holidays, the Åland Islands also celebrate:

  • Åland Islands Autonomy Day (June 9)
  • Midsummer Eve (Friday between June 19 and 25)
  • Midsummer Day (Saturday between June 20 and 26)
  • All Saints' Day (Saturday between October 31 and November 6)

Important Notes

Please note that the dates for Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Pentecost, Midsummer Eve, and Midsummer Day change each year.

Types of leave

In the Åland Islands, an autonomous region of Finland, employees are entitled to various types of leave as outlined in Finnish labor law. The main pieces of legislation governing these rights are the Annual Holidays Act (Vuosilomalaki) and the Employment Contracts Act (Työsopimuslaki).

Annual Leave

Employees accrue 2 days of vacation leave per month for the first part of the accrual year (January 1st to March 31st) and 2.5 days per month for the remainder of the calendar year (April 1st onwards). The maximum annual vacation leave entitlement is 30 days.

Sick Leave

Employees who are unable to work due to illness are entitled to paid sick leave, provided they inform the employer promptly. The extent of sick leave pay and duration can depend on the length of service of the employee.

Maternity, Paternity, and Parental Leave

Female employees are entitled to paid maternity leave. Fathers are entitled to a period of paid paternity leave. Parents also have the right to parental leave to care for their child after maternity and paternity leave periods have ended.

Other Types of Leave

Study leave and compassionate leave are other types of leave available. Some employers offer the possibility of leave for pursuing further education or training. Employees might be entitled to a short period of leave following the death of a close family member.

Important Notes

Finnish labor laws establish minimum standards for leave. Employers may grant more generous benefits through employment contracts or collective agreements. For the most precise information regarding your specific leave entitlements, always consult your employment contract, your employer's policies, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.

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