Rivermate | Product owner - Andrew Simon

Global Work Glossary

What constitutes regular time in employment?

Regular time refers to the standard work hours of non-exempt employees, excluding overtime. It's the typical duration employees are expected to work per pay period.


  1. Legal Compliance: Adherence to regular time ensures compliance with labor laws, avoiding fines and penalties, especially regarding overtime compensation.
  2. Fair Compensation: Establishes fair compensation structures based on standard working hours for non-exempt employees.
  3. Employee Well-being: Balances workload and employee well-being during regular hours, fostering a healthy work environment.

Calculation Process

  1. Determine Shift Hours: Identify the employee's shift start and end times.
  2. Calculate Total Hours Worked: Subtract start time from end time to find the total hours worked.
  3. Account for Unpaid Breaks: Subtract any unpaid breaks, such as lunch hours.
  4. Time Tracking: Utilize timesheets, punch cards, or time-tracking programs to document start/end times and track unpaid breaks.
  5. Convert Time to Decimal Form: If needed, convert hours worked into decimal form for accurate calculations.

Key Considerations

  1. Legal Compliance: Ensure compliance with local labor laws, which may specify maximum regular hours per week and overtime rates.
  2. Compensation Structure: Establish clear and fair compensation structures for regular time and overtime.
  3. Work-Life Balance: Strive to maintain a healthy balance between workload and employee well-being during regular hours.
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