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499 EUR per employee per month

Discover everything you need to know about Bermuda

Hire in Bermuda at a glance

Here ares some key facts regarding hiring in Bermuda

Bermudian Dollar
GDP growth
GDP world share
Payroll frequency
Working hours
35-40 hours/week

Overview in Bermuda

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Bermuda, a self-governing British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean, is known for its subtropical climate and pink sand beaches. It comprises approximately 138 islands, with a rich history dating back to its sighting by Spanish seafarer Juan de Bermúdez in 1505 and the establishment of its first permanent settlement in 1612. Bermuda transitioned from an agriculture-based economy to one focused on shipbuilding, trade, and later, international finance and tourism.

Today, Bermuda operates as a parliamentary democracy with a constitution established in 1968, maintaining the British Monarch as the head of state. The economy is heavily supported by international finance and tourism, contributing to one of the world's highest per capita incomes. The workforce is diverse and highly educated, with significant employment in finance, hospitality, government services, and other sectors.

Culturally, Bermudians value politeness and formality, particularly in business settings where relationship-building is crucial. The workplace respects hierarchical structures and traditional communication channels. Bermuda's economy also includes emerging sectors like fintech and renewable energy, and it is positioning itself as a desirable location for remote workers through initiatives like the "One Year Residential Certificate."

Overall, Bermuda blends its historical British, North American, and Caribbean influences, managing a robust economy with a focus on maintaining a high quality of life and work-life balance.

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Employer of Record in Bermuda

Rivermate is a global Employer of Record company that helps you hire employees in Bermuda without the need to set up a legal entity. We act as the Employer of Record for your employees in Bermuda, taking care of all the legal and compliance aspects of employment, so you can focus on growing your business.

How does it work?

When you hire employees in Bermuda through Rivermate, we become the legal employer of your staff. This means that we take on all the responsibilities of an employer, while you retain the day-to-day management of your employees.

You as the company maintain the direct relationship with the employee, you allocate them the work and manage their performance. Rivermate takes care of the local payrolling of the employee, the contracts, HR, benefits, and compliance.

Responsibilities of an Employer of Record

As an Employer of Record in Bermuda, Rivermate is responsible for:

  • Creating and managing the employment contracts
  • Running the monthly payroll
  • Providing local and global benefits
  • Ensuring 100% local compliance
  • Providing local HR support

Responsibilities of the company that hires the employee

As the company that hires the employee through the Employer of Record, you are responsible for:

  • Day-to-day management of the employee
  • Work assignments
  • Performance management
  • Training and development

Taxes in Bermuda

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  • Payroll Tax: In Bermuda, both employers and self-employed individuals must contribute to the Payroll Tax, which is progressive and based on total annual remuneration. Payments are due quarterly.

  • Social Insurance (Contributory Pension Fund): Employers must contribute monthly to this fund for employees over 17 working more than four hours weekly. Employees over 65 are exempt from their contribution, but employers still contribute.

  • Land Tax: This tax applies to employers who are landlords or property owners, based on the Annual Rental Value (ARV) of the property.

  • Corporate Services Tax: A 7% tax on gross revenue from services provided to exempted companies and partnerships, including corporate administration and financial services.

  • Tax Deductions and Exemptions: Employees may have deductions for health insurance and voluntary contributions to retirement plans. Certain employees, like those under 16 or students working during school breaks, may be exempt from Payroll Tax and Social Insurance.

  • Bermuda's Tax System: Bermuda does not impose VAT or general sales tax, relying instead on taxes like Payroll Tax, Social Insurance, Customs Duties, Land Tax, and Corporate Services Tax. The absence of VAT is due to factors like the small market size and the desire to maintain a competitive advantage for tourism and international business.

  • Tax Incentives: Bermuda offers tax incentives such as no corporate income tax and no withholding taxes on dividends for non-residents. Tax Assurance Certificates protect against future taxes on profits until 2035 for exempted companies.

  • Economic Substance Requirements: These requirements are in place for relevant companies to comply with international regulations, potentially affecting eligibility for tax incentives.

Leave in Bermuda

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In Bermuda, the Employment Act 2000 outlines the rules for vacation leave, specifying that employees with less than 5 years of service get 2 weeks of paid leave, while those with 5 or more years get 3 weeks. Eligibility for vacation leave starts after six months of service, with leave accruing throughout the year. Employers decide the timing of leave based on business needs. Unused leave can be carried over with employer agreement.

The Act also covers other types of leave:

  • Sick Leave: Up to 10 days per year after one year of service, requiring a medical certificate.
  • Maternity Leave: 8 weeks of paid leave after one year of service.
  • Paternity Leave: 5 days of paid leave, available after one year of service.

Additionally, Bermuda recognizes several national holidays, including New Year's Day, Bermuda Day, National Heroes' Day, Emancipation Day, Somers' Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day. These holidays celebrate various historical, cultural, and religious events significant to Bermuda.

Benefits in Bermuda

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Bermuda offers a comprehensive range of mandatory employee benefits, governed by laws such as the Employment Act and the Contributory Pensions Act. These include contributions to a social security system that provides disability, survival, and old age benefits, with a mandatory contribution of $64.14 per week shared between employer and employee. Additionally, there is a mandatory private pension scheme requiring a 10% contribution, split between the employer and employee, for those working more than 720 hours per year.

Employees also enjoy various other mandated benefits:

  • Paid Vacation Leave: Starting at two weeks per year, increasing with tenure.
  • Public Holidays: Paid leave on public holidays.
  • Sick Leave: Eight days per year, with full pay for the first two days.
  • Maternity and Paternity Leave: Up to 13 weeks of paid maternity leave and five days of paid paternity leave.
  • Notice Period and Severance Pay: Depending on the length of service.

Employers often provide additional benefits to enhance the basic ones:

  • Enhanced Health Insurance: Coverage beyond the Standard Hospital Benefit, including major medical, dental, vision, and overseas medical coverage.
  • Wellness Programs and Gym Memberships: Access to on-site gyms and various wellness programs.
  • Additional Time Off: More generous vacation policies and personal leave days.
  • Financial Benefits: Performance bonuses, profit sharing, and transportation allowances.

The health insurance system mandates coverage under the Standard Hospital Benefit, which includes essential in-patient services and is partially funded by employers. Many companies offer more comprehensive plans that exceed these basic requirements.

The private pension scheme is supplemented by optional employer-sponsored retirement benefits, which may include defined benefit or voluntary defined contribution plans, enhancing retirement security for employees.

Workers Rights in Bermuda

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The Employment Act 2000 is the primary legislation governing employment relationships and termination in Bermuda, detailing reasons for termination, notice periods, and severance pay entitlements. Notice periods vary based on payment frequency, and severance pay is calculated based on years of service, with a maximum of 26 weeks' wages. Constructive dismissal is recognized when intolerable work conditions force an employee to resign.

The Human Rights Act 1981 prohibits discrimination in employment and other areas based on protected characteristics such as race, sex, disability, and more. The Bermuda Human Rights Commission and the Employment Tribunal are key bodies for addressing discrimination complaints.

Employers have significant responsibilities under Bermuda's Occupational Safety and Health Act 1982, including ensuring a safe workplace, hazard management, and employee training. Employees have rights to a safe work environment and can refuse unsafe work. The Department of Workforce Development enforces health and safety regulations through inspections and investigations.

Agreements in Bermuda

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Bermuda's labor market utilizes various types of employment agreements to meet diverse employment needs, including fixed-term, indefinite-term, part-time, casual, and apprenticeship agreements. Each type of contract serves different purposes and offers different levels of benefits and statutory protections.

  • Fixed-Term Employment Contracts: These are for a specific duration or project, with no maximum duration specified by law, though excessively long contracts may be challenged.
  • Indefinite-Term Employment Contracts: These provide ongoing employment without a set end date, allowing termination by either party with proper notice.
  • Part-Time Employment Contracts: These involve working fewer hours than full-time, with benefits proportional to hours worked.
  • Casual Employment Contracts: These are for short-term, occasional work, generally offering fewer benefits.
  • Apprenticeship Agreements: These combine on-the-job training with formal education, regulated by the Apprenticeship Act.

Key elements of these contracts typically include identification of parties involved, job description, compensation details, working hours, and leave entitlements. Additional clauses may address termination, probationary periods, confidentiality, and non-compete terms. Probationary periods are permissible and should be reasonable in duration, with performance reviews recommended. Confidentiality and non-compete clauses are enforceable but must be carefully crafted to balance protection of business interests with employee rights.

Remote Work in Bermuda

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Bermuda has become a favored destination for remote workers, thanks to its beautiful beaches and burgeoning tech industry. This guide explores the legal, technological, and employer responsibilities necessary for effective remote work in Bermuda.

Bermuda's legal framework includes:

  • The Royal Decree of July 14, 2020, on Telework: Mandates a written telework agreement and establishes telework as a right, with employers required to justify any refusal.
  • The Act of November 20, 2022, on the Right to Disconnect: Ensures employees can disconnect from work during off-hours to maintain work-life balance.

Technological Infrastructure Requirements

Key requirements include:

  • Reliable Internet Connectivity: Essential for communication and data transfer.
  • Secure Communication Tools: Necessary for confidential communications.
  • Cloud-Based Solutions and Cybersecurity Measures: Important for collaboration and protecting sensitive information.

Employer Responsibilities

Employers must:

  • Adhere to Telework Rights: Including granting telework requests and respecting the right to disconnect.
  • Provide Written Agreements: Detailing work expectations and communication protocols.
  • Offer Equipment and Expense Reimbursements: Though not legally mandated, providing necessary equipment can support a comfortable work environment.

Flexible Work Arrangements

Options include:

  • Part-Time Work: Offers reduced schedules with pro-rated benefits.
  • Flexitime: Allows flexibility within core working hours.
  • Job Sharing: Enables multiple employees to share one full-time position's responsibilities.

Data Protection and Privacy

Bermuda's legal framework for data protection includes:

  • The Personal Information Protection Act 2016 (PIPA): Governs the use of personal data with principles like consent and accountability.
  • The Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (ETA): Provides a legal framework for electronic transactions and data protection.

Employers are obligated to:

  • Ensure Compliance with PIPA: Including securing personal data and providing training on data protection.
  • Implement Robust Security Measures: Such as encryption and access controls.

Employees have rights to:

  • Access and Request Erasure of Data: Allowing them to manage their personal information effectively.

Best practices for data security for remote work include using secure communication tools, implementing strong password policies, and establishing data loss prevention strategies. This comprehensive approach helps maintain data integrity and security in remote work settings.

Working Hours in Bermuda

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Overview of Bermuda's Employment Act 2000

  • Standard Workweek: The Employment Act 2000 in Bermuda establishes a standard workweek of 40 hours, typically from Monday to Friday, equating to eight hours per day. Contracts may vary daily hours as long as the weekly limit is not exceeded.

  • Overtime Compensation: Hours worked beyond the standard 40-hour week must be compensated at a rate of time and a half. Certain managerial or professional positions may be exempt from overtime pay if their salary compensates for extended hours, which should be specified in their contracts.

  • Time Off in Lieu of Overtime: Employees can opt for time off instead of overtime pay if agreed in writing, with time off equivalent to the overtime hours worked.

  • Meal and Rest Breaks: The Act mandates a meal break of at least 30 minutes after five continuous hours of work, not counted as working time. Employers must also provide a minimum rest period of 24 consecutive hours every seven days.

  • Night and Weekend Work: There are no specific regulations for night shifts, but standard overtime rules apply. Employers can require weekend work, adhering to the 40-hour workweek standard and overtime compensation.

  • General Provisions: While the Act does not mandate specific daily rest periods or additional compensation for night shifts, it ensures general health and safety standards are maintained, promoting a safe and healthy work environment.

Salary in Bermuda

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In Bermuda, attracting and retaining top talent involves offering market competitive salaries, which are influenced by job responsibilities, industry standards, education, experience, location, and specific skills. Employers use various resources like salary surveys, job boards, and professional organizations to determine competitive salaries. Beyond base pay, additional benefits such as health insurance, pension plans, and work-life balance initiatives play a crucial role in compensation packages.

The Employment (Minimum Hourly Wage) Order 2023 established a minimum hourly wage of $16.40 in Bermuda, applicable to all employees. This includes a hybrid payment structure where tips, commissions, and service charges must ensure the employee's earnings meet or exceed the minimum wage, with employers required to top up any shortfall.

Employers in Bermuda also offer bonuses and allowances like performance bonuses, signing bonuses, cost-of-living allowances, housing, meal, and transportation allowances to enhance compensation packages. Payroll practices in Bermuda typically follow a monthly cycle, with mandatory deductions for social security, payroll tax, and pension contributions. Employers must comply with the Bermuda Employment Act 1981, ensuring proper payslip documentation and adherence to legal standards for payment methods and overtime compensation.

Termination in Bermuda

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In Bermuda, the Employment Act 2000 mandates minimum notice periods for terminating an employee, based on their pay frequency: one week for weekly, two weeks for bi-weekly, and one month for other cases, unless a longer period is specified in the employment contract or collective bargaining agreement. Exceptions include the probationary period and cases of serious misconduct, where no notice is required. Employers cannot issue notice during certain types of leave and may opt for payment in lieu of notice.

Severance pay is required for employees terminated due to redundancy or factors beyond their control, provided they have completed at least one year of continuous employment. The calculation for severance pay is two weeks' wages per year for the first 10 years and three weeks' wages per year thereafter, with a cap at 26 weeks' wages.

Termination procedures require a written notice specifying the reason, effective date, and details about the notice period or payment in lieu. Employers must also settle all outstanding wages and benefits promptly and notify the Department of Immigration for work permit holders. Employees can file an unfair dismissal claim if termination lacks just cause or due process, including cases of discrimination or retaliation for filing a complaint under the Employment Act 2000.

Freelancing in Bermuda

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The Employment Act 2000 (EA 2000) in Bermuda establishes essential guidelines for differentiating between employees and contractors, emphasizing the importance of correct classification to avoid legal and financial repercussions. The act outlines twelve key factors to consider, such as the level of control, provision of tools, integration into the business, payment methods, benefits, and training, which help determine the nature of the working relationship.

Proper classification is crucial as misclassifying an employee as a contractor can lead to the loss of employee benefits and protections under the EA 2000, while businesses face potential legal issues and penalties. Independent contractors in Bermuda, who are prevalent in industries like IT, construction, marketing, and creative sectors, benefit from flexible work arrangements and have autonomy in negotiating contract terms.

Key elements of a contractor agreement include the scope of work, payment terms, confidentiality, and termination clauses. Contractors should be aware of their rights regarding intellectual property, with default ownership typically resting with the creator unless otherwise stated in a written contract. It's advisable for contractors to consult with legal experts to ensure their contracts protect their interests, especially concerning IP rights.

Freelancers and independent contractors are also responsible for their tax obligations and insurance coverage. They must handle income tax, social insurance contributions, and can opt for private pension plans. Insurance considerations include health, professional liability, general liability, life, and disability insurance, tailored to their specific needs and risks. Consulting with tax advisors and insurance brokers is recommended to navigate these aspects effectively.

Health & Safety in Bermuda

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Bermuda's health and safety laws, centered on workplace safety, are governed by the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1982 and supplemented by the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 2009. These laws outline the responsibilities of employers, such as maintaining a safe work environment and providing necessary training, and the rights of employees, including the right to refuse unsafe work.

Employers are required to handle various workplace hazards, ensure chemical safety, control noise levels, manage confined spaces safely, and maintain electrical safety. They must also focus on health and wellness through measures like providing first aid, ensuring ergonomic safety, and supporting mental health.

The enforcement of these regulations is managed by the Department of Health's Occupational Safety and Health Office, which conducts inspections, issues notices, and imposes penalties for non-compliance. Workplace inspections assess compliance in areas like fire safety, machine guarding, and chemical safety, with the frequency of inspections varying by industry risk level.

Employers must also investigate accidents thoroughly to prevent recurrence, and they are obligated to report serious accidents and near-misses. Bermuda's workers' compensation system provides benefits for injured workers, covering medical expenses and wage replacement. Employers are required to keep detailed records of all workplace incidents to aid in safety improvement efforts.

Dispute Resolution in Bermuda

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Bermuda handles employment-related disputes primarily through the Supreme Court, with some matters addressed by tribunals. Arbitration, governed by the Arbitration Act 1986, is a common alternative, involving a less formal process with private hearings and binding arbitral awards. Disputes typically involve employment contracts, collective bargaining agreements, and labor legislation issues.

The process for resolving labor disputes includes filing a claim, responding, optional mediation, discovery, a hearing or trial, and a final decision or award. Key legal sources include the Employment Act 2000 and the Arbitration Act 1986.

Various regulatory authorities in Bermuda conduct compliance audits and inspections to ensure adherence to laws and regulations, with the frequency and consequences of non-compliance varying by sector. Whistleblower protections are in place, with mechanisms for reporting violations and protections against retaliation.

Bermuda's labor standards align with international norms, particularly those of the ILO, despite not being a direct member. The Employment Act 2000 reflects ILO conventions, covering aspects like working hours, wage protection, and workplace safety. Potential improvements include explicit minimum wage legislation and further ratification of core ILO conventions.

Cultural Considerations in Bermuda

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  • Communication Styles: In Bermuda, workplace communication is influenced by British customs, emphasizing directness, clarity, and brevity. Bermudans prefer concise communication, avoiding overly detailed or meandering explanations.

  • Formality Levels: The level of formality in Bermudan workplaces varies by industry and company size, ranging from formal in sectors like law and finance to more casual in smaller businesses. Professionalism and respect are consistently important, regardless of the setting.

  • Non-Verbal Communication: Non-verbal cues are significant in Bermuda. Good eye contact, upright posture, and open gestures are valued. Bermudans may use neutral facial expressions and silence as part of their communication style, reflecting thoughtfulness and the cultural concept of "Bermudian time," which suggests a slower pace in business interactions.

  • Negotiation Practices: Bermudan negotiators value directness, focusing on facts and logic, balanced with strong relationship building. Trust and rapport are crucial, and negotiations may progress through incremental concessions, requiring patience and cultural sensitivity.

  • Business Structures: Bermudan businesses reflect either tall hierarchical models with clear chains of command or flatter structures promoting collaboration. Decision-making processes and team dynamics vary accordingly, with taller hierarchies tending to have more top-down decision-making and a respect for authority, while flatter structures may encourage more employee involvement and consensus.

  • Statutory Holidays and Cultural Observances: Bermuda observes ten statutory holidays and other regional traditions that can impact business operations. Understanding and respecting these holidays is important for planning and maintaining a positive working environment.

Overall, success in the Bermudan professional landscape requires cultural sensitivity, an understanding of local communication styles, and an adaptation to the pace and formality of business practices.

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