Employee Benefits and Well Being
Exploring the Essential Employee Benefits in the UK

Lucas Botzen
Employee Benefits and Well Being
Published on:
April 18, 2024
Written by:
Lucas Botzen
Key Takeaways
Offering remote employees benefits like technology stipends, flexible hours, and health allowances shows you value their well-being and productivity.
Invest in your team's development. Creating virtual and in-person bonding opportunities strengthens their connection to the company.
Supporting remote workers through meaningful perks helps increase employee satisfaction, loyalty, and overall performance.
Table of contents
Most companies are already in, or at least entering their “remote work era.” Since you can hire from anywhere, and your employees can work from anywhere, you can significantly cut overhead costs. Some employers can even put a lock on their physical offices and reduce the cost associated with having an office altogether.
But, as you start hiring remotely, you also begin competing with global companies for the top talent. Without organizing engaging team-building activities, having an office in a desired location, and pizza Fridays, how can you make your company attractive for the top talent?
A good start is to offer great benefits to your remote team. However, benefits also differ, as your remote employees may not appreciate the same benefits your in-office team would.
Forbes states that the most essential employee benefits companies should give more focus on are:
Flexible hours
Work-provided equipment
Home office stipend
Virtual team bonding activities
Internet assistance
These differ significantly for in-office employees. They emphasize pension and retirement, health insurance, and other insurance-related perks.
So, here are six benefits, perks, and privileges remote companies can consider offering to their workers:
One remote work benefit your company can offer is working supplies. Remote workers are entirely dependent on their technology to accomplish their work responsibilities. They also heavily rely on the internet connection, which may or may not be reliable or cheap, depending on where they live.
Providing your remote employees with a laptop, an iPad, or any device deemed helpful for them as they work from home will boost their morale. It will also let them know that their company looks after them and values them.
If your company does not have enough finances to provide these devices for each employee, consider a stipend for employees. The option to choose and purchase these items independently will also be appreciated and cherished.
Many experts on remote work consider health and wellness the most desirable perks for remote workers. A healthy employee is productive, which rewards the remote business and probably even boosts its revenue.
However, your employees may live in many different countries. This makes managing health insurance difficult. Some countries already have a free healthcare system, so private healthcare may or may not be a perk. It’s important to understand how valuable this perk would be depending on where your employees come from.
A universal solution that companies can implement is allocating a monthly allowance for health and wellness. Some can use it to expand their health coverage, while others can use it to sign up for yoga or meditation classes. Either way, knowing that their company looks after their wellness is one reliable way to boost a company's remote employees’ morale.
Keeping your employees engaged and feeling a part of the team can be tricky when they work from different locations. Many employers try to rectify this by setting up virtual team-building activities, regular check-ins, and one-on-one meetings.
However, you shouldn’t neglect meeting in person. This will certainly help build relationships and create a feeling of belonging to your company. Depending on where your employees live, try to set up events and gatherings at least once a year in a place that is halfway between everyone.
Working in an office helps your employees develop their skills and grow their opportunities. Remote work limits employee interaction. Knowledge and skills don’t flow as freely between different departments and colleagues.
This is why it is important to invest in and create opportunities for your employees to grow and develop. Invest in relevant online courses and instructors. Offer workshops and subscriptions to relevant information. This will help your remote employees know you care about them and their professional development.
An insurance plan has become a priority of modern-day working professionals. Insurance plans are one of the standard benefits for any employee in any company. But, they are also a perk that should be offered as a benefit for workers working remotely.
Aside from letting them know that their company is concerned about them, it will also provide them with a sense of financial security, which is undoubtedly essential in today’s age.
As previously mentioned, the work-from-home atmosphere has taken a huge toll on remote employees. One way to alleviate this dilemma is to provide employees with paid time off. It is essential to be flexible about leaves and absences from work. Tell your employees they have an option for a paid time out. To them, it is equal to telling them they should prioritize their health and family over their work tasks.
Your people play an essential role in your company's success. Every company should let its employees know that the company appreciates, recognizes, and looks after them, as well as their health, family, and future.
The workplace should always be a team business. The employees perform their roles and responsibilities, and you should take good care of them. These benefits may cost your company a small amount of money, but the impact on the employees goes far beyond cultivating loyalty.
These assure them that their company is always on the lookout for their well-being. This, in turn, builds loyalty and quality performance from your employees. In the long run, it also increases your revenue—a benefit your company receives by managing remote teams effectively.
What are the benefits of working remotely? Working remotely gives employees flexibility. It lets them work from any location while reducing commute time. It also allows for a better work-life balance, improving productivity and satisfaction. Additionally, remote work often includes perks like flexible hours and home office stipends.
How do you reward a remote team? You can reward a remote team by offering benefits like flexible hours, work-from-home stipends, and development opportunities. Virtual team-building activities and yearly in-person events can also help build connections. It's essential to offer meaningful perks that resonate with your remote employees' needs.
How could I better support your remote team? To support your remote team, ensure they have the necessary tools and resources, such as working supplies or technology stipends. Focus on health and wellness, provide growth opportunities, and ensure clear communication through regular check-ins. Also, consider offering flexible time off and in-person gatherings to boost morale and connection.
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