{Rivermate | Top Countries for Remote Work in 2024: Pros and Cons

Remote Work and Productivity

Top Countries for Remote Work in 2024: Pros and Cons

Published on:

August 22, 2024

Written by:

Vladana Donevski

Key Takeaways:

  1. Choosing the right country for remote work depends on personal preferences, cost of living, and legal requirements. You should also consider cultural and time zone differences.

  2. Countries like Denmark, Brazil, and New Zealand offer unique pros and cons for remote workers in 2024. The Netherlands and Canada are also great choices for remote work.

  3. Thorough research and planning are essential before committing to a new location for remote work. Consult with other remote workers living in the desired country, and if possible, visit it first as a tourist before you commit.

Remote work has become the new normal. It provides more flexibility, both time and location-wise. Many also praise it for bringing more control over their work-life balance.

It also gives people a unique opportunity to choose where they work, not only in the office or at home but also in the country. When working remotely, you can select the country you want to work from, and even switch it up whenever you feel like it.

However, choosing a country to work from can be tricky, as many factors affect your choice. Your visa options will significantly affect your choice. The country of your choice should also have good internet and infrastructure, and a culture you feel comfortable with. Lastly, it needs to strike the right balance between the cost of living and your salary.

So let’s discuss all the aspects of choosing the right country to live in and work from. While there are many great countries to choose from, they all come with their own pros and cons. Let’s see which one could be the right choice for you.

Factors to consider when choosing a country for remote work

As mentioned before, there are many factors you should consider when choosing the right place to call home. Here are some things to understand and research before you leap.

Cost of living

Cost of living is one of the most important factors when choosing a country for remote work. The price of housing, food, transportation, and other daily expenses can vary widely depending on where you live. In some countries, your salary might stretch further, allowing you to enjoy a higher quality of life. Some countries with a higher cost of living may offer a vibrant culture or better amenities. But, you’ll need to budget carefully to avoid overspending.

For example, Southeast Asian countries like Thailand or Vietnam are popular among digital nomads. They offer a remarkably lower cost of living. Your money can go much further in these regions compared to more expensive areas like Western Europe or the United States.

However, a lower cost of living may come at a cost. You should weigh the savings against any loss in lifestyle or amenities. Balancing your budget with your personal needs and preferences is key when choosing your next destination.

Internet quality and infrastructure

Reliable internet is crucial for remote work. Without a strong connection, working remotely becomes almost impossible. That’s why it's essential to research the internet quality in any country you’re considering.

Some countries, like South Korea and Estonia, are known for their fast and stable internet. In contrast, rural areas or developing nations may have slower connections or frequent outages.

In addition to internet quality, access to coworking spaces and other infrastructure is important. Coworking spaces offer a professional place to work, network, and access business services. They can be found in most major cities around the world, from bustling hubs like Berlin to tropical paradises like Bali.

Time zone compatibility

Time zone differences can greatly affect your work. This is especially true if you need to collaborate with teams or clients in other regions. Working from a country with a vastly different time zone might mean late-night meetings or waking up at odd hours. This can take a toll on your productivity and well-being.

It’s important to choose a location where the time difference aligns with your work schedule. For example, if your company is in the U.S., it might be easier to work from Central or South America than from Europe or Asia due to the smaller time difference. If you want a clear separation between work and personal time, choose a country with a greater time difference. It will give you uninterrupted leisure time after work.

The key is to find a time zone that fits your work style and communication needs.

Cultural compatibility and lifestyle

When choosing a country to live and work in, cultural compatibility is crucial. Feeling comfortable and accepted in your new environment can make a big difference in your overall experience.

Some countries are known for their friendly and welcoming cultures, making it easier for foreigners to adapt and feel at home. Others might have customs or social norms that are very different from what you’re used to, which could lead to a sense of isolation or discomfort.

Your lifestyle preferences also play a big role in choosing the right location. If you enjoy outdoor activities, you might prefer countries with access to nature, like New Zealand or Costa Rica. If you thrive in urban environments, cities like Tokyo or London might be more your speed.

It is important to consider what kind of environment you will be happiest in and to choose a country that aligns with your interests and values.

Understanding the visa and legal requirements of a country is essential before you decide to move there. Many countries now offer digital nomad visas, which are specifically designed for remote workers. These visas typically allow you to live and work in a country for a longer period than a standard tourist visa, often with fewer restrictions.

However, each country has its own rules and regulations, so it’s important to research what is required before making any decisions.

Also, remote workers must comply with tax laws and other legal obligations. This is critical, especially for those who move frequently. This is where an Employer of Record (EOR) can be of great help. An EOR can help get the needed visas. They will also ensure you are compliant with local laws. This will make working as a digital nomad much easier.

Top countries for remote work in 2024

When considering the best countries for remote work in 2024, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons of each location. Each country has unique benefits that suit different lifestyles and jobs. But they also have their own challenges. Let's explore the top five countries that stand out for remote workers this year.


Pros: Denmark offers a high quality of life, strong internet connectivity, and a vibrant expat community. The country also has a strong work-life balance culture, making it an attractive destination for remote workers. Its cities, like Copenhagen, are known for being clean, safe, and welcoming.

Cons: The language barrier might be an issue for some, as Danish is not widely spoken outside of Denmark. Also, visa options can be limited and hard to navigate, especially for long-term stays. The cost of living in Denmark is also relatively high, which might be a concern for some remote workers.

Ideal for: tech workers, creatives, and those who value a balanced lifestyle.


Pros: Brazil has a vibrant culture, stunning nature, and great healthcare. The work-life balance in Brazil is generally favorable, and the country offers a warm and welcoming environment for expats. The cost of living in some areas can be quite affordable, especially when compared to Western countries.

Cons: Brazil's infrastructure varies significantly, with some areas experiencing unreliable internet. Additionally, safety can be a concern in certain regions, and navigating the bureaucracy for visas can be complex. Portuguese is the primary language, which may pose challenges for non-speakers.

Ideal for: Professionals wanting a thrilling cultural experience. Remote workers who value a rich work-life balance.


Pros: The Netherlands has a top-notch infrastructure and reliable internet. Its public transport is excellent. The country offers a progressive and open-minded culture, making it an attractive place for digital nomads. The cities, like Amsterdam, are cosmopolitan and vibrant, with a strong creative scene.

Cons: The high cost of living, especially in major cities, can be a downside. While English is widely spoken, understanding Dutch may still be necessary for full integration. Also, the time zone difference with clients or colleagues in other parts of the world might be a challenge.

Ideal for: Digital nomads, creatives, and those who appreciate a forward-thinking environment.

New Zealand

Pros: New Zealand is famous for its stunning natural beauty and laid-back lifestyle. The country has a thriving tech scene and a strong community of expats, making it an appealing choice for remote workers. The internet infrastructure is generally reliable, and the quality of life is high.

Cons: Strict visa requirements can be a trouble for those looking to stay long-term. The country's isolation may also pose challenges. The time zone differs from the rest of the world. Cultural differences may require some adjustment. This is true for those from more populated areas.

Ideal for: Tech pros, startups, and remote workers who love nature and a quiet life.


Pros: Canada offers a rich cultural experience and a relatively low cost of living, particularly outside major cities. The country is known for its friendly and diverse population, making it an inviting place for remote workers. Canada also has a strong healthcare system and excellent infrastructure, including reliable internet.

Cons: Depending on the region, the harsh winter climate can be a drawback for some. Additionally, while English and French are the official languages, language barriers might still be a challenge in certain areas. Navigating visa and legal requirements can be complex and time-consuming.

Ideal for: Adventurous travelers, those seeking cultural immersion, and remote workers looking for a stable and friendly environment.

How to choose the right country for your remote work

Selecting the right country for remote work is a crucial decision that goes beyond just picking a beautiful destination. You need to consider your personal preferences, plan carefully, and perhaps even test out the location before fully committing. Here’s how you can approach this decision.

Assess your personal preferences and needs

When choosing a country for remote work, it’s important to think about what you need to be happy and productive. Do you thrive in bustling cities, or do you prefer quiet countryside? Consider your work style—do you need a lot of social interaction, or are you more comfortable working alone? Your lifestyle preferences should align with the country you choose. This includes the climate, food, and recreation.

Another key factor is your financial situation. The cost of living varies widely between countries, so you’ll need to find a place where you can live comfortably within your budget. Think about what matters most to you, whether it’s a vibrant cultural scene, outdoor activities, or access to certain amenities. By understanding your personal needs, you can narrow down your options and find a country that feels like home.

Research and plan ahead

Before leaping, thorough research is essential. First, gather info on potential countries. Focus on cost of living, internet quality, and visa requirements. Check online communities or forums for digital nomads. They can provide insider tips and advice. Make sure you understand the local culture and any legal requirements that could affect your stay.

Planning also means being prepared for the unexpected. Consider things like healthcare, safety, and access to necessary services. It’s also wise to have a backup plan in case your first choice doesn’t work out. By doing your homework and planning carefully, you’ll be better equipped to handle any challenges that arise and make the most of your remote work experience.

Test before committing

It’s a good idea to test out a country before deciding to live there long-term. Consider taking a short trip or a temporary stay to get a feel for the place. This trial period can help you understand if the location truly meets your needs and expectations. Pay attention to things like how well you adapt to the local culture, the quality of life, and how easy it is to maintain your work routine.

During this time, you can also explore different neighborhoods or regions to find the best fit. Testing before committing allows you to make an informed decision and avoid potential regrets. If everything feels right, you can then plan your move with confidence, knowing that you’ve found the perfect spot for your remote work journey.


Which EU country is best for remote work?

Portugal is often considered one of the best EU countries for remote work, thanks to its affordable cost of living, beautiful landscapes, and reliable internet. The country also offers a digital nomad visa, making it easier to live and work there legally.

Where is the cheapest place to work remotely in Europe?

Bulgaria is one of the cheapest places to work remotely in Europe, offering low living costs, affordable rent, and good internet infrastructure. It’s a great option for those looking to stretch their budget while enjoying a rich culture.

Where around the world is best for remote work?

Countries like Portugal, Bali (Indonesia), and Mexico are top choices for remote work due to their friendly digital nomad policies, affordable living costs, and vibrant expat communities. These locations offer a good mix of lifestyle, culture, and work-friendly environments.

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