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Working Hours and Overtime Regulations

Understand the laws governing work hours and overtime in Palau

Standard working hours

In Palau, labor laws do not explicitly define a maximum number of working hours or mandate overtime pay. However, a standard workweek is generally understood to be 40 hours, with 8 hours per day. This understanding is based on common practices and agreements between employers and employees.

While there are no legal repercussions for exceeding these hours, some regulations indirectly affect working hours. For instance, the Division of Labor Rules and Regulations, although not directly addressing standard work hours, establish a framework for employer-employee relations. They outline procedures for grievances related to working conditions, which could include excessive working hours if deemed unreasonable.

Key points to note are:

  • A 40-hour workweek with 8-hour days is the prevailing standard in Palau.
  • There are no legal limitations on working hours or mandatory overtime pay.
  • Employees can potentially address concerns about excessive working hours through the grievance process outlined in the Division of Labor Rules and Regulations.


In Palau, the labor laws regarding overtime work are unique. Unlike many countries, Palau's labor code doesn't mandate overtime pay or set a maximum number of work hours. This means the specific rules and compensation for overtime depend on the agreement between the employer and employee, typically outlined in the employment contract.

Due to the absence of legislated overtime pay, a careful review of your employment contract is crucial. The contract should clearly state:

  • Overtime Rate: If the contract includes overtime pay, the specific rate should be clearly defined (e.g., hourly rate x 1.5).
  • Compensatory Time: The contract may offer compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay. This means you would accrue additional paid leave hours for working overtime.

Government employment contracts in Palau often have specific clauses regarding overtime. These contracts may exclude employees from receiving overtime pay or compensatory time.

In conclusion, carefully review your employment contract to understand the specific rules and compensation for overtime work in Palau. If you have any doubts, consult with the Ministry of Labor to ensure your rights are protected.

Rest periods and breaks

There appears to be a lack of explicit regulations regarding mandated rest periods and breaks for workers in Palau. The primary source for labor laws, the Division of Labor under the Ministry of Human Resources, Commerce, and Trade (MHRCTD), doesn't specify requirements in its Rules and Regulations.

While there are no legal requirements, a typical workweek in Palau suggests an implicit understanding of a standard workday with breaks being incorporated into work schedules.

For the most up-to-date information on work practices and potential benefits like breaks, it's advisable to consult the MHRCTD directly or individual employment contracts which may specify rest periods and breaks offered by a particular employer.

Night shift and weekend regulations

In Palau, the labor laws do not provide extensive regulations specifically for night shifts and weekend work. However, the Republic of Palau National Code (RPC) Title 29: Labor and Employment provides some general guidelines that apply to these situations.

The code does not explicitly mandate night shift differentials. However, the RPC Title 29, Chapter 5, Section 503 empowers the Ministry of Labor (MOL) to promulgate regulations concerning wages and fringe benefits. It's possible that such regulations might address night shift differentials.

As for weekend work, the RPC does not have specific regulations. However, overtime provisions apply to work performed on weekends that exceed the standard workweek.

It's advisable to consult with Palau's Ministry of Labor or seek guidance from a local legal professional for the most up-to-date and comprehensive understanding of night shift and weekend work regulations in Palau.

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