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Working Hours and Overtime Regulations

Understand the laws governing work hours and overtime in Tokelau

Standard working hours

In Tokelau, there is no national minimum wage or standard working hour regulation set by law. Employment conditions are typically determined through collective bargaining agreements negotiated by trade unions. These agreements establish minimum wage and working hour provisions for specific industries or sectors.

The limited information available suggests a focus on outsourcing payroll functionalities to Employer of Record (EOR) service providers. These companies handle payroll processing and ensure compliance with relevant labor regulations.

Given the absence of centralized legal resources on standard working hours, consulting with an Employer of Record operating in Tokelau is essential. They can provide up-to-date information on industry-specific working hour standards established through collective bargaining agreements and any recent changes or updates to labor regulations. This ensures employers comply with the relevant Tokelau employment practices.


In Tokelau, there are specific regulations regarding overtime work, which are enforced through the employment contract, adhering to Tokelauan employment practices.

Key points on overtime work include:

  • Overtime Pay Mandatory: Employers are required to compensate employees for overtime work unless they are classified as senior executives or managers.
  • Overtime Rate: The overtime pay rate is dependent on the day and time the employee works. The contract should clearly outline the overtime pay structure.
  • Contractual Agreements: The employment contract plays a crucial role. It should specify regular working hours per week, overtime pay rates for weekdays, weekends, and public holidays (if applicable), and any limitations on overtime hours an employee can be required to work.

Due to the absence of a central law outlining standard overtime rates, consulting with an employment lawyer familiar with Tokelauan labor practices is highly recommended. They can assist with drafting employment contracts that comply with Tokelauan employment practices and address overtime compensation, and ensuring adherence to any recent changes or updates to labor regulations concerning overtime work. Following these steps helps employers maintain compliance and offer fair compensation for overtime work in Tokelau.

Rest periods and breaks

In Tokelau, there's no national legislation mandating specific rest periods and breaks for workers. Employment practices regarding breaks are typically determined through Collective Bargaining Agreements and Employment Contracts. Trade unions negotiate agreements that establish minimum standards for breaks, including frequency and duration, for specific industries. Individual employment contracts should outline provisions for rest periods and breaks, following Tokelauan employment practices.

Break schedules likely vary depending on the industry or sector and the nature of work. Physically demanding jobs might necessitate more frequent breaks compared to office-based work.

Due to the absence of a centralized legal framework, consulting with an Employer of Record (EOR) operating in Tokelau is vital. EORs can provide valuable insights on industry-specific break practices established through collective bargaining agreements, common break schedules for specific job types within the relevant sector, and any recent changes or updates to labor regulations concerning rest periods and breaks. This ensures employers adhere to prevailing Tokelauan employment practices and offer workers reasonable breaks throughout the workday.

Night shift and weekend regulations

In Tokelau, while there is no national legislation on standard working hours, regulations concerning night shift and weekend work are typically found within employment contracts. These contracts should adhere to established Tokelauan employment practices.

When it comes to night shift work, it typically qualifies for overtime compensation due to the non-standard working hours. The specific overtime rate should be clearly outlined in the employment contract. The employment contract is crucial for night shift work. It should address the definition of "night shift hours" based on Tokelauan working hour norms, the applicable overtime pay rate for night shift hours, and any limitations on the number of consecutive night shifts an employee can be assigned.

As for weekend work, it might qualify for overtime pay depending on the industry and specific terms of the employment contract. Collective bargaining agreements in certain sectors may establish weekend work premiums.

The absence of centralized legislation on night shift and weekend work premiums necessitates consulting an employment lawyer. They can provide expertise on drafting employment contracts that comply with Tokelauan practices for night shift and weekend work compensation, negotiating fair overtime rates for night and weekend work specific to the industry, and ensuring adherence to any recent changes or updates to labor regulations concerning night shift and weekend work.

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