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Benefits and Entitlements Overview

Learn about mandatory and optional employee benefits in Tokelau

Mandatory benefits

In Tokelau, employers are likely required by law to provide certain mandatory benefits to their employees. These insights are based on information from global payroll and Employer of Record (EOR) solution providers.

Probationary Period

A probationary period is a standard practice followed in most countries, and Tokelau is likely no exception.

Paid leave in Tokelau likely includes:

Annual Leave

Employees in Tokelau are likely entitled to paid annual leave.

Public Holidays

Employees are likely entitled to paid time off on national holidays.

Sick Leave

Employees are likely entitled to paid sick leave.

Parental Leave

Parental leave in Tokelau likely includes:

Maternity Leave

Female employees are likely entitled to paid maternity leave.

Paternity Leave

Male employees may also be entitled to some form of parental leave.

Overtime Pay

Employees who work beyond the standard work hours are likely entitled to overtime pay.

Social Security Benefits

Tokelau likely has a social security system that employers contribute to on behalf of their employees.

Optional benefits

Many employers in Tokelau offer additional perks to attract and retain talent, beyond the baseline level of employee support provided by mandatory benefits. Here's a look at some commonly offered optional employee benefits:

Life Insurance

Providing life insurance demonstrates employer care for employee wellbeing and their families' financial security.

Flexible Work Arrangements

Offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or compressed workweeks, can improve employee work-life balance and satisfaction.

Professional Development

Investing in employee development through training programs or educational opportunities can enhance skills and boost employee morale.

Wellness Programs

Workplace wellness programs that promote physical and mental health can lead to a healthier and more productive workforce.

Transportation Allowances

In locations with limited public transportation, employers might offer transportation allowances to ease employee commutes.

Mobile Phone Allowances

Providing mobile phone allowances can be particularly relevant for roles requiring constant connectivity.

Meal Subsidies or Free Meals

Subsidized or free meals can be a cost-saving benefit for employees and a way to boost employee morale.

This list is not exhaustive, and the specific benefits offered will vary depending on the size, industry, and financial resources of the employer. Cultural factors in Tokelau may also influence the types of benefits employees find most valuable.

Health insurance requirements

In Tokelau, there is no legal obligation for employers to provide health insurance to their employees. The healthcare system in Tokelau is limited, with only one small hospital on each of its three atolls. These hospitals lack some essential equipment and specialists. For specialized care, residents, including Tokelauan employees, often need to travel to Samoa or New Zealand.

Employer-Provided Health Insurance

While not mandated, some employers in Tokelau might offer health insurance as an optional benefit to their employees. This can be particularly attractive considering the limitations of the local healthcare system. Employers may also consider offering travel medical insurance, especially for employees whose roles require frequent travel outside of Tokelau.

Retirement plans

Information on retirement plans in Tokelau is limited. There's no indication of a mandatory national pension scheme currently in place. However, some potential options can be explored:

Employer-Sponsored Plans

Some employers in Tokelau might offer private retirement savings plans. These plans could involve employee contributions, employer contributions, or a combination of both.

Individual Savings

In the absence of a national scheme or employer-sponsored plan, employees would need to rely on personal savings and investments for retirement income.


Limited Financial Products

Tokelau's developing economy might have limited access to a wide range of financial products, potentially restricting individual retirement savings options.

Cultural Factors

Traditionally, extended family support has played a significant role in caring for Tokelau's elderly population. This cultural aspect might influence how some individuals approach retirement planning.

Future Developments

The Tokelau government might consider exploring the possibility of a national pension scheme to provide a social safety net for retirees. However, there is no publicly available information on concrete plans for such a scheme at this time.

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