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Salary and Compensation Insights

Explore salary structures and compensation details in Spain

Market competitive salaries

Understanding competitive salaries in Spain is crucial for job seekers and employers alike. Here’s a brief overview of current salary trends across key sectors.

General Salary Information

  • Median Annual Salary: ~€26,000

Industry-Specific Salary Ranges

  • IT
    • Software Engineer: €30,000 - €55,000
    • IT Manager: €45,000 - €80,000
  • Finance
    • Accountant: €25,000 - €40,000
    • Financial Analyst: €30,000 - €50,000
  • Healthcare
    • Nurse: €24,000 - €35,000
    • General Practitioner: €50,000 - €70,000
  • Engineering
    • Civil Engineer: €30,000 - €50,000
    • Mechanical Engineer: €28,000 - €45,000
  • Education
    • Primary School Teacher: €24,000 - €35,000
    • University Professor: €35,000 - €60,000
  • Sales & Marketing
    • Sales Representative: €20,000 - €40,000
    • Marketing Manager: €40,000 - €70,000

Influencing Factors

  • Experience: Higher experience generally means higher pay.
  • Location: Salaries in Madrid and Barcelona are typically higher.
  • Industry Demand: Sectors like IT and healthcare offer better pay.
  • Company Size: Larger companies often provide higher salaries.

Additional Benefits

  • Health insurance, pension plans, performance bonuses, and flexible working options are common.

Minimum wage

Understanding the Minimum Wage in Spain (2024):

Spain, like many countries, has a minimum wage to ensure fair compensation for workers. As of 2024, there have been significant updates to this amount. Whether you're an employee, employer, or simply interested in labor rights, here's a concise guide to the key points:

Minimum Wage in Spain (2024):

  • Amount: €1,134 per month (distributed in 14 payments per year).
  • Effective Date: January 1, 2024.
  • Increase: 5% increase from the 2023 minimum wage.
  • Coverage: Applies to all workers in Spain, including domestic workers paid by the hour (minimum €8.87 per hour).
  • Benefits: An estimated 2.5 million workers benefit from this increase.
  • Government Goal: To improve employment quality and protect worker incomes.

Additional Notes:

  • The minimum wage does not include non-cash benefits (e.g., company car, meals).
  • The Spanish government regularly reviews and adjusts the minimum wage to reflect economic conditions and cost of living.

Bonuses and allowances

In Spain, employees can receive various bonuses and allowances in addition to their base salary. Here's an overview:

Mandatory Bonuses:

  • 13th-month salary (Paga Extra de Verano): Paid out in the summer, usually in June or July, and amounts to one-twelfth of the employee's annual salary.
  • 14th-month salary (Paga Extra de Navidad): Paid out around Christmas, typically in December, and also amounts to one-twelfth of the employee's annual salary.

These extra payments are often considered a way to distribute the annual salary into 14 installments instead of 12.

Other Common Bonuses and Allowances:

  • Performance-based bonuses: These can be awarded based on individual or company performance goals and may vary significantly in amount.
  • Profit-sharing: Some companies offer employees a share of the company's profits as a bonus.
  • Attendance bonuses: Offered to employees with good attendance records.
  • Meal vouchers (Ticket Restaurant): Employers can provide these vouchers to cover meal expenses during the workday.
  • Transportation allowances: To help cover commuting costs.
  • Childcare vouchers: To assist with childcare expenses.
  • Private health insurance: Many companies offer additional health coverage for employees and their families.
  • Company car: In some industries, employees may be provided with a company car for personal and professional use.
  • Training and development allowances: To support employee skill development.

Important Considerations:

  • Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs): The specific bonuses and allowances available to employees can vary depending on their industry and the applicable CBA. These agreements often outline the types and amounts of bonuses, as well as eligibility criteria.
  • Discretionary Bonuses: Some bonuses are discretionary, meaning that the employer decides whether and how much to award based on individual performance or other factors.

Payroll cycle

In Spain, payroll practices are characterized by:


  • Monthly: Payroll is generally processed on a monthly basis.
  • Extra Payments: Most employees receive two additional payments (14th and 15th month salaries) usually in July and December.

Payment Date:

  • Typically between the 25th of the current month and the 5th of the following month.


  • Euros (EUR) is the mandatory currency for salary payments.
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