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Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

Working Hours and Overtime Regulations

Understand the laws governing work hours and overtime in Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

Standard working hours

In the Falkland Islands, there isn't a single, codified set of labor laws. However, it's important to note that there's no legislated standard workweek established by law in the Falkland Islands.

Working hours likely differ between public and private sectors. In the public sector, a common reference point suggests government jobs follow a schedule of 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, followed by another shift from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. On the other hand, private companies may have a standard workweek closer to 40 hours, potentially extending to 45 hours, with working days ending around 5:00 PM. This is not a legal requirement, but a possible guideline.

Certain industries might necessitate shift work schedules that deviate from the above examples.

The most definitive source of information regarding standard working hours will be the individual employment contract. This document should clearly outline the expected work schedule for the specific position.

For more specific details, reaching out to the relevant government department or seeking guidance from a legal professional familiar with Falkland Islands employment regulations might be helpful.


In the Falkland Islands, there is no legal definition of the number of hours exceeding "standard work" that qualifies as overtime. Employers generally require employee consent before assigning overtime work.

Overtime can be compensated with time off in lieu of regular pay, at a 1:1 ratio (one hour of overtime equals one hour of time off). If time off is impractical, overtime must be paid financially at a rate exceeding regular wages. The specific rate isn't mandated by law. However, industry standards and employment contracts likely determine the specific overtime pay rate.

Employment contracts may allow employees to opt out of overtime work, as long as both parties agree. The most reliable information regarding overtime rules and compensation will be found in the individual employment contract. This document should outline the specific terms related to overtime work for the particular position.

In the absence of legislated overtime rates, there's potential for negotiation between employers and employees to determine the financial compensation for overtime work. For the most up-to-date information and interpretations, consulting with the Falkland Islands Labour Department or a legal professional familiar with local employment regulations is recommended.

Rest periods and breaks

Lunch Break

Employees in the Falkland Islands are entitled to a one-hour lunch break. This break should be factored into the employee's working hours and not be included as part of their paid working time.

Rest Periods Between Working Days

The Falkland Islands legislation mandates a minimum of 12 hours of rest between working days. This ensures adequate recovery time for employees and helps prevent fatigue-related accidents or injuries.

Additional Considerations

  • While the legal minimum for rest between working days is 12 hours, some employers may offer longer breaks, depending on company policy and industry standards.
  • These are general guidelines. Employees should always refer to their individual employment contracts for specific details regarding breaks and rest periods.

Night shift and weekend regulations

In the Falkland Islands, labor laws recognize the potential disruptions to normal sleeping patterns associated with night shifts and weekend work.

Night Shift Work

Night shift is generally defined as work performed outside normal working hours, often during the evening or overnight. Specific timeframes may vary depending on the industry or company policy. There is no legal minimum wage in the Falkland Islands. However, employers are encouraged to offer a night shift premium to compensate workers for the disruption to their circadian rhythm. The specific amount of this premium is negotiable between employer and employee and should be outlined in the employment contract.

Weekend Work

The Falkland Islands Labour Ordinance does not mandate additional pay for working Saturdays. However, employers are encouraged to offer premium pay or compensatory time off in recognition of weekend work. Sunday work is generally discouraged in the Falkland Islands and should be limited to exceptional circumstances. When Sunday work is unavoidable, the employee must be granted compensatory leave on another weekday at a rate of time and a half.

These regulations are based on the Falkland Islands Labour Ordinance and best practices. Since these are encouragements rather than strict legal requirements, it's crucial for employees to consult their individual employment contracts to understand the specific terms and compensation associated with night shift and weekend work.

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