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Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

Salary and Compensation Insights

Explore salary structures and compensation details in Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

Market competitive salaries

Understanding competitive salaries in the Falkland Islands requires considering the unique economic environment of this remote archipelago. Here's a breakdown of key factors to consider:

Limited Market & Remote Location

The Falkland Islands have a small population of around 3,500, leading to a limited job market. This can impact salary benchmarks compared to larger economies. Additionally, the remote location can influence salaries due to the higher cost of living associated with imported goods and services.

Niche Skillsets & Expat Workers

Certain skillsets in high demand, especially in technical fields or specialized industries, may command premium salaries due to a limited local talent pool. The Falkland Islands also rely on expat workers to fill these roles, and their compensation packages may reflect their international experience and the cost of relocation.

Government & Public Sector Influence

The Falkland Islands government is a significant employer, and their salary scales can influence overall market competitiveness for similar positions in the private sector. Public sector salaries are often transparent and publicly available, providing a benchmark for comparable roles.

Researching Competitive Salaries

The Falkland Islands Government publishes salary scales for public sector positions, which can be a helpful benchmark. Additionally, online platforms allow users to search for average salaries in the Falkland Islands across various industries and positions.

By considering these factors, you can gain a better understanding of competitive salaries in the Falkland Islands job market. Remember, negotiation plays a role in securing a competitive salary, so research your worth and be prepared to advocate for your qualifications and experience.

Minimum wage

The Falkland Islands have established minimum wage regulations to ensure a base level of income for workers.

Minimum Wage Rate

As of January 1st, 2024, the minimum wage in the Falkland Islands is set at £8.57 per hour. This applies to all workers aged 16 or over who have a contract with their employer, whether written or verbal.

Minimum Wage Reviews

The minimum wage legislation mandates reviews at least every 12 months. These reviews consider factors like inflation and cost of living to determine if adjustments are necessary. Any changes to the minimum wage rate are published in the Falkland Islands Gazette.

Legislative References

The primary legislative framework for minimum wage in the Falkland Islands is the Minimum Wage Ordinance 2013. This ordinance establishes the legal right to a minimum wage and outlines the calculation methods for determining minimum wage entitlement for various pay reference periods.

Bonuses and allowances

Employers in the Falkland Islands may offer a variety of bonuses and allowances to attract and retain talent.

Relocation Allowances

The remote location of the Falkland Islands can be a significant factor for incoming employees. To ease the transition, employers often provide relocation allowances to cover expenses like shipment of personal belongings, temporary accommodation, and flights for dependents. The specific amount of the allowance can vary depending on the employer, position, and the employee's relocation needs.

Gratuity Payments

For certain roles, particularly those filled by expat workers on fixed-term contracts, employers may offer gratuities upon satisfactory completion of the contract. These gratuities typically range from 15% to 25% of the base salary.

Housing Benefits

Due to the limited housing options, some employers offer housing benefits which can take a few forms:

  • Employer-provided housing: The employer might directly provide housing for the employee to rent during their contract, with rent deducted from their salary.
  • Housing allowance: Alternatively, employers may offer a housing allowance to contribute towards the employee's rent in a private residence.

Other Potential Allowances

Depending on the industry and employer, additional allowances may be offered, such as:

  • Cost-of-living allowance: To account for the higher cost of living in the Falklands compared to other regions.
  • Medical and dental benefits: To help cover healthcare costs.
  • Flight benefits: Some employers might offer mid-contract flights home or additional travel allowances.

Important Note: The availability and specifics of these bonuses and allowances will vary significantly depending on the employer, industry, and the specific role. It's crucial to carefully review the employment contract details to understand the compensation package offered.

Payroll cycle

The Falkland Islands follow British statutory regulations and best practices for payroll cycles.

Frequency of Payment

In the Falkland Islands, there's no mandated minimum or maximum frequency for payroll disbursements. However, monthly payments are the most common practice, aligning with the Employment Rights (Minimum Standards) Ordinance 1982. This ordinance, established by the UK government and applicable to the Falklands, sets out minimum standards for employee rights but doesn't dictate pay frequency.

Payment Methods

Employers in the Falkland Islands can choose from several options for salary disbursement:

  • Bank Transfer: The most common method is electronic bank transfers directly into employees' accounts, ensuring secure and timely payments.
  • Cash Payments: Some employers, particularly smaller businesses, might distribute salaries in cash, although this is less common.


The Employment Ordinance mandates that employers provide payslips to their employees for each payment period. These payslips should clearly outline the gross wages earned, deductions made (including taxes, social security contributions, etc.), and net pay received.

Statutory Deductions

Several mandatory deductions are typically made from employee salaries in the Falkland Islands:

  • Income Tax: The Falkland Islands Income Tax Ordinance 2007 defines the income tax structure. Tax rates are applied progressively, meaning higher earners pay a larger portion of their income in taxes.
  • Social Security Contributions: The Social Security Ordinance 1982 establishes social security contributions, which fund social welfare programs in the Islands. Both employers and employees contribute a set percentage of earnings towards social security.

It's important to consult the aforementioned ordinances for the latest details on tax rates and social security contribution percentages.

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