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Wallis and Futuna

Vacation and Leave Policies

Understand the regulations on vacation and other types of leave in Wallis and Futuna

Holiday leave

In Wallis and Futuna, a French overseas collectivity, the French Labor Code (Code du Travail) governs vacation leave entitlements.

Basic Entitlement

Every employee is entitled to 2.5 working days of paid leave for each month of employment. A "working month" is any period during which the employee has worked for at least some time.

Leave Calculation

Leave accrues throughout the reference year, which runs from June 1st of the previous year to May 31st of the current year. Accrued leave must be taken between June 1st of the current year to May 31st of the following year. Without an exceptional agreement from the employer, unused leave cannot be carried over beyond this period.

Additional Leave

In addition to the basic entitlement, employees may qualify for extra vacation days in certain situations:

  • Age-based supplements: Employees over 50 years of age may receive additional days of leave.
  • Seniority/Length of Service: Some collective agreements may provide for additional leave based on an employee's tenure with the company.
  • Family circumstances: Depending on family status or specific events (e.g., marriage, birth of a child), employees may receive supplementary leave.

Vacation Leave Usage

The dates of vacation leave must be mutually agreed upon by employers and employees. At least 12 continuous working days of leave must be taken during the period from May 1st to October 31st. Employers have the right to split up the remaining leave throughout the year.

Public holidays

Wallis and Futuna, a French overseas collectivity, observes a combination of French national holidays and local religious celebrations.

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day: Celebrated on January 1st.
  • Easter Monday: This holiday is observed the day after Easter Sunday, and the date varies annually.
  • Labor Day: Celebrated on May 1st.
  • Victory in Europe Day: This holiday is observed on May 8th.
  • Ascension Day: Celebrated thirty-nine days after Easter Sunday, with the date varying annually.
  • Whit Monday: This holiday is observed fifty days after Easter Sunday, and the date varies annually.
  • Bastille Day: Celebrated on July 14th.
  • Assumption Day: This holiday is observed on August 15th.
  • All Saints' Day: Celebrated on November 1st.
  • Armistice Day: This holiday is observed on November 11th.
  • Christmas Day: Celebrated on December 25th.

Local Holidays

  • Wallis and Futuna Territory Day: This holiday is observed on July 29th.

Types of leave

In Wallis and Futuna, employees are entitled to various forms of leave under the French Labor Code (Code du Travail).

Vacation Leave (Congés Payés)

Employees accrue 2.5 working days of paid leave per month worked.

Sick Leave (Congés Maladie)

Employees on sick leave can receive daily allowances from Social Security after a waiting period. The amount and duration of benefits depend on factors like salary and length of employment.

Maternity Leave (Congé Maternité)

Typically, maternity leave is 16 weeks for the first and second child, and 26 weeks for the third and subsequent children. The leave may be extended in case of multiple births or medical complications.

Paternity Leave (Congé Paternité)

Fathers are entitled to a birth leave of 11 consecutive days (18 days in case of multiple births). They are also entitled to 3 days of childcare leave.

Parental Leave (Congé Parental d’éducation)

This is an unpaid leave available to parents who want to pause employment to care for a child. The duration of leave varies depending on the number of children.

Other Types of Leave

  • Adoption Leave: Provides paid time off for employees adopting a child.
  • Family Leave: Available for specific circumstances such as caring for a sick child or family member, or attending family events (marriage, death, etc.)
  • Sabbatical Leave: May be granted for personal or professional development purposes.

The specific terms and conditions for different types of leave (e.g., eligibility, duration, payment) may be further defined by industry-specific collective agreements or individual employment contracts.

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