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Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Benefits and Entitlements Overview

Learn about mandatory and optional employee benefits in Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Mandatory benefits

In Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a French overseas collectivity, employees are entitled to a comprehensive set of mandatory benefits provided through social security contributions, inherited from mainland France's labor laws and social security system.


All employees and residents are covered by the French national health insurance system. This system grants access to medical care, hospitalization, and reimbursements for medication and other medical expenses.

Social Security

Employers and employees contribute a percentage of their earnings towards social security. This system finances various benefits like retirement pensions, unemployment benefits, and disability benefits. Specific contribution rates and benefits are determined through collective bargaining agreements between employers' organizations and employee unions.

Employees are legally entitled to a minimum of five weeks of paid vacation per year. They are also entitled to paid time off for public holidays observed in Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

Parental Leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to at least 16 weeks of paid maternity leave, with the possibility of extending it to 48 weeks. Fathers are also entitled to paternity leave, though the specific duration may vary.

Optional benefits

In Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a territorial collectivity of France, employment practices and benefits often follow French guidelines. This includes a range of optional employee benefits that employers may offer, influenced by French trends.

Work-Life Balance Benefits

  • Flexible Working Arrangements: Remote work options, flexible hours, and compressed workweeks are becoming increasingly popular. This can be a major perk for employees seeking a better balance between work and personal life.

  • Reduced Working Time (RTT): Many French companies offer RTT, which allows employees to accrue extra days off throughout the year in addition to their regular paid vacation time.

Financial and Wellness Benefits

  • Meal Plans or Subsidies: Employers may offer subsidized meals at the workplace or provide meal vouchers to help offset the cost of lunch.

  • Commuting Assistance: With rising fuel costs, some employers may offer reimbursements for commuting expenses or provide public transportation passes.

  • Health Insurance Top-Ups: Some companies might provide additional health insurance coverage beyond what is required.

  • Continuing Education and Training: Employers may offer financial assistance or paid time off to pursue professional development opportunities.

Health insurance requirements

In Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a French overseas collectivity, there is no requirement for employers to provide health insurance to their employees. However, all residents have access to a universal healthcare system similar to that of mainland France.

Public Healthcare System

Residents of Saint Pierre and Miquelon are covered by the French social security system, which provides comprehensive medical coverage. This coverage includes hospital stays, doctor visits, medications, and other medically necessary services. To be eligible for full coverage, employees contribute a portion of their salary towards social security.

Retirement plans

In Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a territory of France, the specifics of retirement plans are not widely available online. However, it's possible to make some educated assumptions based on the general landscape.

Public Pension System

The social security system in Saint Pierre and Miquelon likely provides a public pension, following the French social security model. However, specific details about eligibility, contribution rates, and retirement benefits for this territory are not readily available.

Private Retirement Plans

The prevalence of private employer-sponsored retirement plans in Saint Pierre and Miquelon is uncertain. Given the small population of the territory, such plans might be less common compared to mainland France.

Possible options could include:

  • French Employer Plans: Some larger companies in Saint Pierre and Miquelon might offer retirement plans similar to those found in France. These could resemble French PER (Plan d'épargne retraite) or entreprise retirement plans.

  • Individual Investment Accounts: Individual retirement savings accounts might be an option. To explore this possibility, it would be necessary to research local banks and financial institutions in Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

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