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Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

Salary and Compensation Insights

Explore salary structures and compensation details in Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

Market competitive salaries

Determining competitive salaries in Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha (St Helena) can be a challenging task due to the islands' limited population and data availability. However, with strategic research and a focus on relevant factors, it is possible to establish fair and attractive compensation packages.

Overcoming Data Scarcity

Unlike larger countries, St Helena doesn't have readily available, comprehensive salary databases. This necessitates alternative approaches to determine market competitiveness:

  • Government Salary Scales: The St Helena Government publishes salary scales for public sector positions. While these might not directly translate to private sector roles, they offer a general benchmark for some professions such as administrative and technical roles.
  • Job Advertisements: Analyzing salary ranges advertised for similar positions on local job boards and company websites can reveal real-time data on what employers in St Helena are offering.
  • Industry Reports: For specialized sectors like tourism or finance, industry association reports might contain salary benchmarks, though these resources might be limited.

Factoring in Cost of Living

A crucial factor in competitive salaries is St Helena's cost of living. Essential goods like imported groceries might be more expensive than in some regions. While comprehensive cost-of-living data might be limited, consider:

  • Housing Costs: Researching average rental prices or property values can help understand housing expenses, a significant living cost.
  • Basic Needs: Costs for groceries, utilities, and transportation should also be factored in.

Using External Benchmarks

While local data might be limited, broader salary benchmarks can provide some guidance:

  • Regional Salaries: Salary information for similar positions in neighboring islands or overseas territories with comparable living costs can be looked at.
  • Remote Work Opportunities: If applicable, consider salaries offered for remote positions in the same industry, especially if the role allows for remote work from St Helena.

Minimum wage

Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha, collectively known as St Helena, have established minimum wage regulations to ensure fair compensation for workers.

Legislative Framework

The primary legislative framework governing minimum wage in St Helena is the Employment Rights Ordinance, 2010 (No. 9 of 2010). This ordinance establishes the minimum wage and empowers the Employment Rights Committee (ERC) to review and recommend adjustments. It is supplemented by the Employment Rights (Minimum Wage) Regulation, 2013 (LN No. 24 of 2013), which outlines the applicable minimum wage rates and associated regulations.

Minimum Wage Rates

St Helena currently implements a differentiated minimum wage structure based on age:

  • Workers aged 18 and over: The minimum wage is £4.00 per hour.
  • Workers aged 16 and 17: The minimum wage is £2.80 per hour.

These rates are effective as of July 1, 2023.

Minimum Wage Review Process

The Employment Rights Ordinance mandates an annual review of the minimum wage. The ERC considers various factors during this review, including the cost of living in St Helena, changes in economic conditions, and the impact on businesses and employment levels. Following the review, the ERC submits recommendations to the St Helena Executive Council for approval and subsequent implementation.

Bonuses and allowances

Information on specific bonuses and allowances offered to employees in Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (St Helena) can be limited due to the islands' small population and remoteness. However, some common practices and potential benefits can be explored:

Common Allowances

While comprehensive data is scarce, some employers in St Helena might offer the following allowances to their employees:

  • Housing Allowance: Considering housing costs can be a significant factor, some employers might offer a housing allowance to ease the burden, particularly if suitable accommodation options are limited.
  • Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA): To address the potentially higher cost of living compared to some regions, employers might offer a COLA to supplement employee salaries.

Performance-Based Bonuses

Bonuses based on performance are less common but could be offered in some organizations, particularly those with a strong performance culture. These bonuses might be tied to individual or company-wide performance metrics.

Other Potential Benefits

Some employers might offer additional benefits to attract and retain talent. These could include:

  • Health Insurance: Subsidized health insurance plans can be a valuable benefit, especially considering healthcare access in remote locations.
  • Paid Time Off: Generous vacation allowances or other forms of paid leave are attractive perks for employees.

Payroll cycle

In Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (St Helena), specific payroll cycle practices can be limited due to established labor laws. However, some general practices can be identified.

Frequency of Payment

In St Helena, there isn't a legislatively mandated frequency for payroll payments. However, it's common for employers to follow a monthly or fortnightly (every two weeks) payroll cycle. This information is based on established business practices in St Helena and may not be explicitly stated in legislation. It's recommended to consult with a local HR professional or financial advisor for the most up-to-date information.

Payment Methods

Salary disbursement in St Helena primarily occurs through two methods:

  • Bank Transfer: This is the most secure and common method, which involves electronically transferring salaries directly into employees' bank accounts.
  • Cash Payment: This method is less frequent, but cash payments might still be used in some instances, particularly for smaller businesses or informal arrangements.

This information is based on established business practices in St Helena and may not be mandated by law.

Deductions and Withholdings

Employers in St Helena are required to make certain deductions and withholdings from employee salaries:

  • Income Tax: The St Helena Revenue Service collects income tax from employees. The specific tax rate depends on the employee's income level.
  • Social Security Contributions: Employers contribute to a social security scheme on behalf of their employees. This scheme provides retirement and other benefits to employees upon reaching eligibility.

For details on income tax deductions, refer to the St Helena Revenue Service. Information on social security contributions might be available through the relevant social security administration office.

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