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French Southern Territories

Tax Obligations Detailed

Discover employer and employee tax responsibilities in French Southern Territories

Employer tax responsibilities

In the French Southern Territories, employers are responsible for a range of social security contributions, which can significantly add to the cost of employment.

Key Employer Contributions

Employers contribute to the health insurance scheme for their employees. Contribution rates vary and are calculated as a percentage of gross salary. Employers also make mandatory contributions towards their employees' retirement pension funds. These rates are also calculated based on a percentage of gross salary. Contributions to the unemployment insurance scheme are mandatory for employers. Employers also contribute towards the occupational accident and illness insurance, which covers employees in the case of workplace accidents or work-related illness. Lastly, employers contribute towards the family allowances fund, which provides financial assistance to families.

Additional Taxes and Levies

In addition to the main social security contributions, employers may also be subject to the payroll tax, which may apply in specific cases, based on the size of the company and the total wage bill. Companies with a certain number of employees may be required to contribute to apprenticeship programs. Employers also participate in a housing tax program designed to fund the construction of affordable housing.

Calculation and Payment

Social security contributions and various taxes are generally calculated as a percentage of the employee's gross salary. Employers are responsible for withholding these amounts from their employees' salaries and remitting them to the relevant authorities. Specific due dates and payment procedures apply.

Importance of Accurate Compliance

It's essential for employers to understand and accurately calculate their tax contribution obligations. Non-compliance with social security contribution regulations can lead to significant penalties. Consider working with a tax advisor or using a payroll service provider to ensure accurate and timely contributions.

Employee tax deductions

Employees in the French Southern Territories have mandatory contributions deducted from their gross salaries. These contributions fund various social welfare programs such as health insurance, retirement pension, unemployment insurance, family allowances, and work-related injury/illness insurance.

Health Insurance

A percentage of an employee's salary is deducted to contribute towards the public health insurance scheme.

Retirement Pension

Employees make contributions to their retirement pension funds. These deductions are a percentage of their gross salary.

Unemployment Insurance

A portion of an employee's wages is directed towards the unemployment insurance program.

Family Allowances

Deductions for family allowances help fund financial assistance programs for families within the territories.

Employees contribute a small percentage of their salary to a fund providing coverage in case of occupational accidents or work-related illnesses.

Residents of the French Southern Territories are generally not subject to income tax. This creates a favorable environment for employees in the region.


While there's no income tax in the French Southern Territories, employees may see deductions on their payslips labeled CSG (Contribution Sociale Généralisée) and CRDS (Contribution pour le Remboursement de la Dette Sociale). These social contributions are calculated on various income sources, including salary.

Specific Exemptions

Some employees may qualify for exemptions or reductions on certain social security contributions based on factors like family status or income level.

It's crucial for employees to carefully review their payslips to understand the deductions made. If you have questions regarding any deductions, seeking clarification from your employer or a tax advisor familiar with the French Southern Territories is recommended.


The French Southern Territories follow the VAT system of the European Union, albeit with specific adaptations due to their unique status. Understanding this framework is crucial for determining the correct VAT treatment of services.

Standard VAT Rates

In the French Southern Territories, the following standard VAT rates are applicable:

  • Super-Reduced Rate (0%): Certain essential goods and services may qualify for a 0% VAT rate.
  • Reduced Rate (5%): This rate applies to specific goods and services, such as some foodstuffs and medical supplies.
  • Standard Rate (16%): This rate is applicable to most goods and services that do not qualify for other rates.

VAT Liability for Services

The place where a service is deemed to be supplied for VAT purposes is crucial. Generally, services are considered supplied where the supplier is established. However, certain exceptions exist based on the nature of the service. For instance, services related to real estate are taxed where the property is located.

For B2B services, the reverse charge mechanism might apply where the service recipient (the business) is liable for accounting for VAT, rather than the supplier. For B2C services, the supplier is generally responsible for charging VAT at the applicable rate.

Specific Cases for Services

VAT treatment for services can become complex, particularly those involving cross-border transactions. Here are some scenarios to consider:

  • Telecommunication, Broadcasting, and Electronic Services: Specific VAT rules apply to these services, often based on where the customer is established.
  • Transportation Services: VAT application depends on the type of transportation service, location of departure and arrival, and passenger residency.
  • Cultural, Artistic, Sporting, Educational, and Entertainment Services: Generally, these services are taxed where the event takes place.

Compliance and Filing

Businesses supplying taxable services within the French Southern Territories must generally register for VAT and file periodic VAT returns to the relevant tax authorities. Thresholds apply for VAT registration.

Importance of Professional Advice

The VAT rules for services can be complex. It's recommended to seek professional advice from a tax advisor or VAT specialist familiar with the French Southern Territories for specific situations or to ensure compliance.

Tax incentives

The French Southern Territories, also known as Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF), offer a unique business environment with potential tax benefits. However, due to the remote nature and specific economic activities of the TAAF, there aren't widely advertised tax incentive programs like mainland France.

Specific Tax Regimes

  • Tax-Free Zone Status: There's limited information available publicly regarding designated tax-free zones within the TAAF. However, it's possible that specific zones focused on scientific research or economic development might benefit from reduced or eliminated taxes. Further investigation with TAAF authorities is recommended.
  • Import/Export Duty Exemptions: Businesses involved in import and export activities within the TAAF might be eligible for exemptions on certain duties. This could be particularly relevant for companies involved in research expeditions, resource extraction (if applicable), or logistical support.

Finding More Information

Due to the specific nature of business activities in the TAAF, it's crucial to consult directly with the relevant authorities. Additionally, business development agencies or chambers of commerce in La Réunion or Mayotte (which have close ties to the TAAF) might possess relevant information.

Important Note

Given the unique characteristics of the TAAF, it's advisable to seek professional tax advice to understand the specific tax implications for your business.

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