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Saint Barthelemy

Tax Obligations Detailed

Discover employer and employee tax responsibilities in Saint Barthelemy

Employer tax responsibilities

In Saint Barthelemy, employers have several tax responsibilities. One of these is contributing to the social security system. These contributions include old-age insurance, which is capped at 6.9% up to EUR 3,428, then 0.4% on total earnings. There's also the social security surcharge (CSG), which is 9.2% of 98.25% of the gross salary, and the social security debt reimbursement contribution (CRDS), which is 0.5% of 98.25% of the gross salary.

Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment contributions in Saint Barthelemy are made by both employees and employers. The exact rates and further details can be found on the official government website.

Other Potential Taxes

There are other potential taxes that employers might need to consider. For instance, Saint Barthelemy has a 0% corporate income tax rate, which is a favorable factor for businesses. Depending on the specific circumstances, additional payroll taxes might apply.

Payment Deadlines

Typically, payments for social contributions are due on a monthly or quarterly basis. However, the deadlines might vary depending on the size of the company and other factors. It's important for employers to be aware of these deadlines to avoid penalties.

Employee tax deductions

In Saint Barthelemy, income taxes use a progressive rate structure. The tax authorities or your employer will calculate your income tax based on your gross income and various allowable deductions.

Progressive Rates

The specific income tax brackets and rates can be found on the official government website.


Your income tax is calculated based on your gross income and various allowable deductions.

Social Security Contributions

As an employee in Saint Barthelemy, you contribute to the social security system. This covers:

Old-Age Insurance

The rates for old-age insurance will vary depending on income levels and caps.

Health Insurance

A percentage of your salary is withheld for healthcare coverage.

Unemployment Insurance

Both employees contribute to the unemployment insurance system.

Additional Deductions

Pension Contributions

If your employer offers a pension plan, contributions may be deducted from your salary.

Other Deductions

Depending on your circumstances, other deductions may apply.


In Saint Barthelemy, the standard TGC rate for services is 5%. This rate is applicable to most services unless they are specifically exempted.


Certain services may be exempt from TGC. The exemptions can vary, hence it is crucial to consult with a tax advisor for the most accurate information. Some potential exemptions could include essential services like healthcare and education, financial services, and exports of services.

Filing Procedures

The filing procedures for TGC in Saint Barthelemy are dependent on the size and type of business providing services. The process typically involves:

  1. Registration: Businesses providing taxable services are required to register for TGC with the relevant tax authorities.
  2. Invoicing: TGC should be calculated and included on invoices for taxable services.
  3. Regular Filings: Businesses are mandated to file TGC returns regularly (e.g., monthly or quarterly) and pay any tax due.

Important Notes

  • Complexity: Navigating the TGC system in Saint Barthelemy can be complex, especially for businesses unfamiliar with the territory's tax laws. It is advisable to seek professional advice to ensure compliance with all VAT obligations.

Tax incentives

Saint Barthelemy is known for its low corporate tax rate, which is one of its most attractive features. The territory operates a territorial tax system, meaning businesses are only taxed on profits generated within the territory. The standard corporate tax rate is a symbolic 1.21%, significantly lower than many other countries.

Qualification for the Low Tax Rate

There are no specific industry restrictions for this tax benefit. Any company registered and operating in Saint Barthelemy qualifies for the low corporate tax rate.

Streamlined Application Process

The application process for the low corporate tax rate is not complex. However, registering a business in Saint Barthelemy requires following standard procedures, which may involve interaction with local authorities.

Beyond the Low Rate: Important Considerations

While the low corporate tax rate is a significant advantage, there are additional factors that need to be considered:

  • Limited Tax Treaties: Saint Barthelemy has limited tax treaties with other countries. This means businesses may face double taxation on profits earned elsewhere.
  • Residency and Taxes: The favorable tax treatment for individuals only applies after five years of residency. Businesses themselves don't have a residency requirement, but tax implications for owners need to be considered.
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