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Benefits and Entitlements Overview

Learn about mandatory and optional employee benefits in Nauru

Mandatory benefits

In Nauru, the only mandatory employee benefit is the Nauru Superannuation Scheme (NSS). This scheme was established under the Nauru Superannuation Act 2019 and is a defined contribution plan that ensures retirement savings for employees.

Key Features of the Nauru Superannuation Scheme

  • Eligibility: All Nauruan employees working for employers with one or more employees are required to participate in the NSS.
  • Contributions: The scheme operates on a matching contribution model. Employers contribute 5% of the employee's superannuable salary, and employees contribute an additional 5%.
  • Management: The NSS is administered by SuperLife, a New Zealand-based superannuation fund manager, on behalf of members.

Optional benefits

In Nauru, while there is a single mandatory employee benefit, many employers offer additional perks to attract and retain talent. Here's a look at some commonly provided optional benefits:

Health and Wellness

  • Private Health Insurance: While not mandated, some employers in Nauru might offer health insurance plans to their employees, helping them cover medical expenses outside the public healthcare system.

  • Wellness Programs: Some companies, particularly in larger industries, might implement wellness programs to promote employee health and well-being. These programs could include gym memberships, fitness classes, or health screenings.


  • Paid Sick Leave: Although not mandated by law, some employers might offer paid sick leave as a benefit, allowing employees time off for illness without loss of pay.

  • Annual Leave: Similar to sick leave, paid annual leave is not required by law but can be offered by employers. This benefit provides employees with paid time off for holidays or personal reasons.

Financial and Retirement

  • Life Insurance: Certain employers might offer life insurance as a benefit, providing financial security for the employee's family in case of death.

  • Salary Packaging: Some companies may allow salary packaging, which lets employees choose to receive a portion of their salary as benefits, potentially reducing their taxable income.


  • Flexible Work Arrangements: To enhance work-life balance, some employers might offer flexible work arrangements such as remote working options or compressed workweeks.

  • Professional Development: Investing in employee development, some companies might offer opportunities for skills training or educational assistance.

Health insurance requirements

In Nauru, there are no mandatory health insurance requirements for employees. The healthcare system in Nauru is primarily public, funded by the government and providing basic medical services.

However, there are some nuances to consider:

Employer-provided health insurance

While not mandated by law, some employers in Nauru might offer private health insurance plans to their employees. These plans can provide additional coverage beyond what the public system offers, potentially including:

  • Access to a wider range of specialists and medical facilities.
  • Coverage for certain treatments or procedures not covered by the public system.

Individual health insurance options

Even if not offered by an employer, individuals can still explore purchasing private health insurance plans from international providers.

To summarize:

  • There's no legal requirement for health insurance for employees in Nauru.
  • Public healthcare provides basic medical services.
  • Some employers might offer private health insurance as a benefit.
  • Individuals can explore purchasing private health insurance plans on their own.

Retirement plans

In Nauru, employees have access to a variety of retirement savings options. The primary one is the Nauru Superannuation Scheme (NSS), a defined contribution scheme established under the Nauru Superannuation Act 2019.

Nauru Superannuation Scheme (NSS)

The NSS is a mandatory retirement savings scheme for all Nauruan employees working for employers with one or more employees. The scheme follows a matching contribution model, where employers contribute 5% of the employee's superannuable salary, and employees contribute an additional 5%. The NSS is administered by SuperLife, a New Zealand-based superannuation fund manager.

Private Superannuation Schemes

In addition to the NSS, some employees may have the option to participate in their employer's private superannuation plan, if offered. These plans can offer additional benefits and contribution structures compared to the NSS.

Personal Retirement Savings

Individuals also have the option to invest in personal retirement savings plans offered by financial institutions. These plans allow for voluntary contributions and provide flexibility in investment options.

Important Considerations

The adequacy of retirement savings will depend on factors like contribution rates, investment performance, and desired retirement lifestyle.

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